How to get the *real* PID of a via VBA started asynchronous job !? (in order to monitor and/or stop that job)
I try to start and monitor asynchronous tasks from within MsAccess using VBA. (see question ^Starting applications from MsAccess VBA using shell, can take seconds !!^.
The applications are started using ^PID = Shell("C:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE", 1)^ assuming that the returned PID is the PID of in this example is the PID of the NOTEPAD process.
But in the meantime I am not so sure about that any longer See my question VBA shell() does NOT return the expected PID & ^Function CreateProcessA^ crashes Access
So that is quite disappointing, but if the returned PID is not the PID of the ^started process^ it is IMHO almost worthless and I need another way to start an asynchronous process and have the PID or some other unique handle returned which I can use to monitor and eventually kill the started process.
So hopefully someone knows a solution :)