In order to run a script from
(the Get-servicelog.ps1)
it is needed the error with McpManagementService be addressed (see picture);
otherwise Powershell reports that
Service 'McpManagementService (McpManagementService)' cannot be queried due to the following error:
*| PermissionDenied*
```![Screenshot 2024-08-27 232607](/api/attachments/d35b2530-6af7-45e9-a99d-efe6360fe42f?platform=QnA)
In the event of using the registry solution by changing Description and Display Name values to Universal Print Management Service,
it is considered illegible to attempt, that is, to delete the current ones with paths ending to -100&-101 respectively.
It can be noted that when Get-Services was used off the script in pwsh.exe, the message
appeared once in-sequence between *MBVpnTunnelService* and *McpManagementService*.
![Screenshot p2 2024-08-27 235545](/api/attachments/18539568-6a6d-4fe6-a17d-ed087b231ef6?platform=QnA)