Hello @Matthew Anderson (US - New Hampshire) , Thanks for using Microsoft Q&A Platform.
The Document Intelligence 2024-07-31-preview REST API is now available. Public preview version 2024-07-31-preview is currently available only in the following Azure regions. East US, West US2, West Europe and North Central US
Here is the REST API documentation you can refer to : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/aiservices/document-models?view=rest-aiservices-v4.0%20(2024-07-31-preview)&preserve-view=true
I just reproduced using REST API and it was successful. Please make sure you use these supported regions.
For latest updates please refer to the what's news page: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/document-intelligence/whats-new?view=doc-intel-4.0.0&tabs=csharp#august-2024
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