Created a new container instance for deploying chromadb. Previously I used the Azure Portal UI to create a container instance but that UI didn't allow for ways to set a persistent file storage for the container. So I reverted to using a AZ CLI to create a new container instance. Here is the CLI command I used:
az container create \
--resource-group EnterpriseChai-Dev \
--name chroma-v2 \
--image \
--ports 8000 \
--azure-file-volume-account-name stchroma \
--azure-file-volume-account-key $STORAGE_KEY \
--azure-file-volume-share-name stchromacishare \
--azure-file-volume-mount-path /chromadb \
--location eastus
The container was created, the file storage was mounted and chroma image was pulled. But the port configuration was NOT applied. I wanted to have a public access IP and Port 8000, but UI doesn't show what is the public IP and the port is also not shown.
So if I use the CLI, the storage is mounted (which is not possibly via the Azure portal UI) but then I run into this issue where the public IP and port is not being set.
Can someone help with this?