The MSID is a Pearson Vue thing and is handled by them when you schedule an exam. You shouldn't need it directly. Your MCID is generated at the point you need one as part of MS Learn. In general it happens as part of your scheduling for an exam. When you schedule an exam it'll look for your MCID. If it doesn't find one then it'll prompt you if you don't have a legal name yet. Then you will add address, phone, etc and send you to Pearson Vue. Pearson Vue will use the information provided to create an MSID if you don't have one yet. You shouldn't have to enter any IDs yourself provided you have logged into the MS Learn site using your MS account (personal only, work accounts don't work) and then use that site to schedule your exam.
Need help with setting up Microsoft account
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I created a Microsoft account recently but didn't get any MS-id in my profile that uniquely represents me. Need help with setting up a Microsoft account. I need to schedule a certification exam which needs my MS-ID