I am developing a proactive messaging Teams bot and need to install the app into a single tenant with Graph to store the conversation reference that is supposedly returned for future notifications to an individual user.
The error I get:
"innerError": {
"code": "AccessDenied",
"message": "App is blocked by app permission policy. TenantId: 2b8fcc74-xxxx-xxxx-a2f9-2f5b64a94336, UserObjectId: 6c78dac5-xxxx-xxxx-b0df-b210a938add4, AppId: 306161fc-xxxx-xxxx-b5dc-838b2ce086fb, AppType: Private", "details": [],
"date": "2024-07-09T08:02:31",
"request-id": "9bf6390d--9e0b-6a133eceb532",
"client-request-id": "9bf6390d-9-9e0b-6a133eceb532"
I have been trying many permissions for the app in the tenant that installs the bot app (I am using the Microsoft Developer account for developing)
"roles": [
Thank you for any information