Hello @Nathan Sommer,
welcome to this moderated Azure community forum.
You experience large delays when streaming data from Azure Stream Analytics to Azure Data Explorer.
Using the documentation you provide, it seems the delay is coming from Azure Data Explorer because the ASA watermark delay is much less.
Azure Data Explorer uses queued ingest by default: 5 minutes, 1000 items, or a total size of 1 GB.
You say to enabled streaming ingest.
You need to do this both on cluster level and per database/table:
.alter table TestTable policy streamingingestion enable
Perhaps there could be a delay before this is actually working so stay tuned.
Personally, I use an EventHub between ASA and ADX so I'm fully in control of the data being exchanged. Think about having a preview of the data inside the eventhub, being able to pause eventhub egress and the eventhub data connection settings.
If the response helped, do "Accept Answer". If it doesn't work, please let us know the progress. All community members with similar issues will benefit by doing so. Your contribution is highly appreciated.