Microsoft has provided exam materials for the MO-210 Microsoft 365 Excel certification at . It gives you 3 projects to practice on. But I think that there were better materials provided for the MO-200 Excel 2019 certification as 3 projects are not sufficient to get a full grasp of the exam. I think for this exam your best option will be to use other sources to practice Additional links:
Practice tests for MO-110 and MO-210
I plan on studying for the certification exams MO-110 and MO-210. Where can I find free practice exams for these?
Also, I have already practiced for MO-110 using the practice files by Microsoft but could not find anything for the Excel exam MO-210.
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Emi Zhang-MSFT 26,686 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
2024-05-23T02:12:13.9666667+00:00 Hi,
I suggest you post this problem to Microsoft Credentials forum:
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