Hello @c00012 ,
The IDENTITY column can only be set when the table is created, or alter the table add a new IDENTITY column. Actually you cannot alter the existing identity column in a table like other regular columns ( alter table alter column...).
You may need to use the DBCC CHECKIDENT('tableName', RESEED, NEW_RESEED_VALUE) to update the Identity column value for new records .
This will change the current seed value of the identity column of the specified table.
If you need to insert specific identity values, you can SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON in your insert statement.
In addition, if need to update the Identity column value for existing records, you can drop the IDENTITY column and re-add.(It is recommended to test in the test environment before applying to production. I tested it in a table with 100,000 records and everything is fine).
Or create a new table with IDENTITY(1000,1) then insert data.