Hi @bob h ,
I found this thread similar to your issue: Exchange Online - Remove Phantom In-Place Hold , please try the solution provided in it to see whether it is helpful to your scenario:
Empties hidden Deleted Items folders, such as 'Purges'. Won't empty 'Purges' folder if 'In-Place Hold' or 'Litigation Hold' is applied to mailbox
Search-mailbox -identity "identity" -SearchDumpsterOnly -DeleteContent
Disabled Litigation Hold on Mailbox
Set-Mailbox –Identity "identity" -LitigationHoldEnabled $false
Gets various relevant metrics and settings
Get-Mailbox -Identity "identity" | Format-List DisplayName,Name,IsInactiveMailbox,LitigationHoldEnabled,LitigationHoldDuration,InPlaceHolds,RetentionHoldEnabled,RetentionPolicy
Gets the name of Retention Policy, based off GUID provided in a Get-Mailbox command for In-Place Holds
Get-RetentionCompliancePolicy <GUID> | FL Name
Script found to provide folder sizes of hidden Deleted Items folders (Purges, etc.)
$RecipientName = "PrimaryEmail"
$RecipientDisplayName = (get-recipient $RecipientName).displayname
Optional (for reporting purposed):
$RecipientNetBIOSName = (get-recipient $RecipientName).name
$RecipientPrimAlias = (get-recipient $RecipientName).PrimarySmtpAddress
Write-host "======================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan
write-host "Dumpster and Deletions Report for '$RecipientDisplayName' ($RecipientName) (Does not apply to Mailusers or Contacts):" "$(get-date)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-host "======================================================"
Write-host "Dumpster and Deletions Report provides Size Values for the mailbox 'Deleted items', 'Recover Deleted Items' (Dumpster), and 'Purges' values." -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "Does not apply to Mailusers" -ForegroundColor cyan
Write-Host "*** If Lit Hold is present, Recover and Purges will be larger and must be ignored.) ***" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "***"
Write-Host "The ‘Recoverable Items’ folder contains the following subfolders:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host " Recoverable Items: This is the total amount combined in Deletions, Calendar Logging, Purges, and Versions."
Write-Host " Calendar Logging: For Calendar diagnostic purposes"
Write-Host " Deletions: Recover Deleted Items or the ‘Dumpster'"
Write-Host " This subfolder contains all items deleted from the Deleted Items folder. "
Write-Host " Versions: If In-Place Hold or Litigation Hold is enabled:"
Write-Host " This subfolder contains the original and modified copies of the deleted items."
Write-Host " Purges: If either Litigation Hold or single item recovery is enabled:"
Write-Host " This subfolder contains all items that are hard deleted."
Write-Host "======================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Get-MailboxFolderStatistics $RecipientName -FolderScope RecoverableItems | ft Name,FolderAndSubfolderSize, @{name="LitigationHoldEnabled";expression={(Get-mailbox $RecipientName).LitigationHoldEnabled}} –a
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