SELECT [Supplier Name], [Brand], [NumberOfSuppliers]
SELECT [Supplier Name], [Brand], COUNT(DISTINCT [Supplier Name]) OVER(PARTITION BY [Brand] ORDER BY NEWID()) AS [NumberOfSuppliers]
FROM [Members View]
GROUP BY [Supplier Name], [Brand]
) AS temp
WHERE [NumberOfSuppliers] > 1
ORDER BY [NumberOfSuppliers] DESC, [Brand] ASC;
SQL Query Help, Distinct and Group By
This should be an easy question but I'm relatively new to SQL.
I have a table of products (actually a view) with about 500,000 rows. Amongst other columns I have [Supplier Name] and Brand.
I have 301 distinct [Supplier Name] and I have 1602 distinct Brand.
Most brands are only held by one supplier, but 114 of them are held by more than one supplier and the total non-distinct number of suppliers across those 114 brands is 261.
I need a query that will result in two columns, [Supplier Name] and Brand where each brand is represented at least once alongside the supplier that holds it. Where a brand is held by more than one supplier, I want a row for each supplier that holds that brand. It will end up being around 1750 rows I expect.
I have made this query to get distinct Brands and the number of suppliers, but I want to expand this out to include the supplier names:
Select * from (Select count (distinct [Supplier Name]) as NumberOfSuppliers ,Brand from [Members View] group by Brand
) as x where NumberOfSuppliers > 1
order by NumberOfSuppliers desc, Brand asc
The reason for this is I want to provide a filter in an application where the user can select the supplier in a drop down then another drop down for brand is filtered to only show the brands that supplier holds, and vice versa. I can do this in code but because the app is a Power App, I'm limited to 2000 rows because Distinct() is not a delegable function in Power Apps and I get incomplete results. I therefore need to do this in SQL.
2 answers
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Guoxiong 8,206 Reputation points
2020-11-10T21:02:57.767+00:00 -
EchoLiu-MSFT 14,601 Reputation points
2020-11-11T02:44:05.967+00:00 Hi @Will Page ,
I tried the following methods, but there is no test data, and I am not sure whether it works. If it does not solve your problem, please share your create and insert statement with us.
;with cte as (Select count (distinct [Supplier Name]) as NumberOfSuppliers ,Brand from [Members View] group by Brand ) select c.NumberOfSuppliers,m.[Supplier Name],c.Brand from cte c join [Members View] m on c.Brand=m.Brand where NumberOfSuppliers > 1
If you have any question, please feel free to let me know.
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