Confirm that the Application ID, Secret ID, and Certificate associated with your service principal are all valid and have not expired. The certificate should be trusted by Azure AD.
Azure AD Kerberos Decryption Key Rotation Automation
I have been trying to Automate the Azure AD Kerberos Decryption Key Rotation.
I have created a service principal account with the Application ID, Tenant ID, Secret ID, and Certificate.
When try to use this cmdlet New-AzureADSSOAuthenticationContext [-Token <string>] [-TenantId <Tenant ID>] [-UserName <Application ID>] and generate a Token or use the secret value, it will look like it worked.
However, when I run this cmd Get-AzureADSSOStatus | ConvertFrom-Json it comes up with an error " Get-AzureADSSOStatus : Retrieving desktopSso configuration failed. Error message: An error occured during authentication process. RequestId: 'f7ef407c-7403-4ba3-81a8-e632aea368a3'"
So, I would like to know how to use my service principal account with New-AzureADSSOAuthenticationContext and what to use for Token.
Thank you,
2 answers
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AnuragSingh-MSFT 21,471 Reputation points
2024-01-12T06:56:27.03+00:00 Ishola, thank you for the reply. It appears that service principals or other modes of automation (except using the admin accounts) are not available currently. There was also feedback filed for the same which is currently in backlog. Apologies for the inconvinience.
Automate Seamless SSO Kerberos decryption key rollover AZUREADSSOACC