Hi @Vinodh247
thank you for your quick response.
Again verified the content of the stage account still the used capacity is more than the actual capacity.

soft delete is enabled: still it will not consume that much of space.

coming to the portal the used capacity is:

using powershell below is the output:

below is the script:
# Function to convert bytes to gigabytes (GB)
function ConvertTo-GB {
param (
return $sizeInBytes / 1GB
# These are for the storage account to be used
$resourceGroup = "yourrg"
$storageAccountName = "yourstorageaccountname"
# Initialize the total size in bytes
$totalSizeInBytes = 0
# Get a reference to the storage account and the context
$storageAccount = Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Name $storageAccountName
$ctx = $storageAccount.Context
# Calculate total blob size
$containers = Get-AzStorageContainer -Context $ctx
foreach ($container in $containers) {
$listOfBlobs = Get-AzStorageBlob -Container $container.Name -Context $ctx
$listOfBlobs | ForEach-Object {
$blobSizeInBytes = $_.Length
$totalSizeInBytes += $blobSizeInBytes
# Calculate total file share size
$fileShares = Get-AzStorageShare -Context $ctx
foreach ($fileShare in $fileShares) {
$fileShareProperties = Get-AzStorageShareStats -Share $fileShare.Name -Context $ctx
$totalSizeInBytes += $fileShareProperties.Usage
# Calculate total queue size
$queues = Get-AzStorageQueue -Context $ctx
foreach ($queue in $queues) {
$queueProperties = Get-AzStorageQueueMetrics -Queue $queue.Name -Context $ctx
$totalSizeInBytes += $queueProperties.Total
# Calculate total table size
$tables = Get-AzStorageTable -Context $ctx
foreach ($table in $tables) {
$tableProperties = Get-AzStorageTableMetrics -Table $table.Name -Context $ctx
$totalSizeInBytes += $tableProperties.Total
# Convert the total size to gigabytes (GB)
$totalSizeInGB = ConvertTo-GB -sizeInBytes $totalSizeInBytes
# Output the total used capacity for the storage account
Write-Host "Total Used Capacity of Storage Account = $totalSizeInGB GB"