I created a "Virtual network connection" from a virtual Hub to Virtual Network.
I saw that from the Virtual Network side a peering connection was created.
My question is how can I know which Hub is this peering connected to? (except for extracting his name from the generated id)
On the peer ID (called also Remote virtual network in Azure) I got some ID that AZURE generates that looks like the following:
*The subscription ID is not the subscription that the Hub exists on.
*The resourceGroup ID is not the resourceGroup that the Hub exists on.
*The "virtualNetworks" (it's a Hub at all) is not the virtual Hub id.
All the above are generated by Azure.
There is a way to know which Hub is this peering connected to (from the VNET side) by the real Hub ID?
I tried by the VNET peering API but I got the same generated ID