Hi @tim christiansen ,
According to my research and testing, please try to use the following PowerShell code to sync a SharePoint site folder:
$WebURL = "https://tenantname.sharepoint.com/sites/"
$SiteName = "MySiteName"
$SiteID = "{my Site GUID}"
$WebID = "{my Web GUID}"
$ListID = "{my List GUID}"
# Give Windows some time to load before getting the email address
Start-Sleep -s 20
$UserName = $env:USERNAME
$Domain = "@yourdomain.com"
# Use a "Do" loop to check to see if OneDrive process has started and continue to check until it does
# Check to see if OneDrive is running
$ODStatus = Get-Process onedrive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# If it is start the sync. If not, loopback and check again
If ($ODStatus)
# Give OneDrive some time to start and authenticate before syncing library
Start-Sleep -s 30
# set the path for odopen
$odopen = "odopen://sync/?siteId=" + $SiteID + "&webId=" + $WebID + "&webUrl=" + $webURL + $SiteName + "&listId=" + $ListID + "&userEmail=" + $UserName + $Domain + "&webTitle=" + $SiteName + ""
#Start the sync
Start-Process $odopen
Until ($ODStatus)
More information for reference:
how to sync a sharepoint 365 folder using a .bat or powershell?
Syncing SharePoint Document Libraries on Non-Persistent Virtual Computers
Hope it can help you. Thanks for your understanding.
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