Hi, @cf Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A platform, thanks for posting the question and for using Azure Services.
Yes, we currently don’t have solid plans to support the new version after 10.3 on Single Server offering for Azure Database for MariaDB. But we are working on setting up a plan to support higher versions than10.3.
However, this doesn’t mean that Azure Database for MariaDB will no longer be supported after May 25th 2023. We will continue to support our existing customers and in case of a deprecation announcement, we will provide at least 12 months' notice to our customers.
Please make a note that you will be supported for all the features and versions in Azure DB for MariaDB which are GA and we will be supporting our existing customers even beyond May 25th 2023. However, after May 25th, 2023, version 10.3 will be retired which means customers cannot create new servers. Please read the retired documentation to set the expectation on what to expect after May 25th, 2023.
I hope this information helps, Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
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