Hello @Prasad Lotankar ,
Thanks for the question and using MS Q&A platform.
My understanding is that you would like to know how to bulk update the column descriptions in Microsoft Purview using Python. Please correct if my understanding is not clear.
Option1: The available option is by leveraging PyApacheAtlas (https://github.com/wjohnson/pyapacheatlas) as described here: https://github.com/wjohnson/pyapacheatlas/wiki/Azure-Purview-Tips#update-an-existing-column
Option 2: PyApacheAtlas is a very convenient way of just getting massive amounts of data into Purview via an Excel interface and a little bit of Python!
Here is a video on how to do bulk uploads with an excel file: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27jRUydL6qE
You'll need the following:
- Install PyApacheAtlas and either get a service principal access to Purview or use the Azure CLI
- Generate the excel template using the
python -m pyapacheatlas --make-template ./purview.xlsx
command - You will add the information to the BulkEntities tab.
- Each row of the spreadsheet represents one column
- Need the qualified name of the columns (e.g. mssql://server/db/schema/table#columnName)
- Need the type name of the columns (e.g. azure_sql_column if it’s a column on an azure sql table)
- For the bulk entities spreadsheet, you’ll need to add a column called “description” and fill in the descriptions for the given column.
- you can then modify and run the sample script: https://github.com/wjohnson/pyapacheatlas/blob/master/samples/excel/excel_bulk_entities_upload.py
- Please note that you should comment out lines 76 and 78 and update the file_path variable
Hope this helps.
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