DAX properties
Applies to:
SQL Server Analysis Services
Azure Analysis Services
Fabric/Power BI Premium
Analysis Services includes advanced properties that determine DAX query response. For very large rowsets, such as those returned by a DAX query in DirectQuery models, the default of one million rows could be insufficient. To increase the upper limit, specify the MaxIntermediateRowSize setting. You'll know whether the limit needs adjusting if you get this error: "The result set of a query to external data source has exceeded the maximum allowed size of '1000000' rows."
Setting | Value | Description |
MaxIntermediateRowsetSize | 1000000 | Maximum number of rows returned in a DAX query. For SSAS, manually add this entry to the msmdsrv.ini file and increase the value if the default is too low. |
PredicateCheckSpoolCardinalityThreshold | 5000 | Does not apply to Power BI. An advanced property that you should not change, except under the guidance of Microsoft support. |
For SSAS, you must manually add the entire element to the DAX section of the configuration file. The setting isn't present in the file until you add it.
Configuration snippet (msmdsrv.ini)
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To learn more about other server properties and how to set them, see Server properties in Analysis Services.