Set up Microsoft Teams meeting add-on for Google Workspace
The Microsoft Teams meeting add-on lets Google calendar users schedule and join a Microsoft Teams meeting directly from Google Workspace. These get access to Teams meetings features including video and audio conferencing, screen sharing, meeting chat, digital whiteboards, and more.
The Microsoft Teams meeting add-on for Google Workspace is on by default. To learn about how your users use the Microsoft Teams meeting add-on for Google Workspace, see Install the Microsoft Teams meeting add-on for Google Workspace.
Turn the Microsoft Teams meeting add-on for Google Workspace on or off in the Azure portal
As an admin, you can turn the Microsoft Teams meeting add-on for Google Workspace on or off using the Azure portal.
Sign in to the Azure portal.
Select Enterprise applications > All applications.
Search for Microsoft Teams meeting add-on for Google Workspace.
Select Yes.
(Optional) To disable the add-on, select No instead of Yes in Step 4.
Turn the Microsoft Teams meeting add-on for Google Workspace off using PowerShell
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Application.ReadWrite.All"
$displayName = 'Microsoft Teams meeting add-on for Google Workspace'
$appId = '7969c887-ba98-48bb-8832-6c9239929d7c'
Check if a service principal already exists for the app
$ServicePrincipalUpdate =@{
"accountEnabled" = "false"
$servicePrincipal = Get-MgServicePrincipal -Filter "appId eq '$appId'"
if ($servicePrincipal) {
# Service principal exists already, disable it
Update-MgServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalId $servicePrincipal.Id -BodyParameter $ServicePrincipalUpdate
Write-Host "Disabled existing Service Principal \n"
} else {
# Service principal does not yet exist, create it and disable it at the same time
$servicePrincipal = New-MgServicePrincipal -AppId $appId -DisplayName $displayName
Update-MgServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalId $servicePrincipal.Id -BodyParameter $ServicePrincipalUpdate
Write-Host "Created and disabled the Service Principal \n"
For more information, see Create a service principal with Microsoft Graph PowerShell.
Delete the Microsoft Teams meeting add-on for Google Workspace
See the Google documentation Delete a Google Workspace Marketplace app for instructions.
Create the Microsoft Teams meeting add-on for Google Workspace using PowerShell
In case the Microsoft Teams meeting add-on isn't present in your tenant, you can create it using PowerShell:
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Application.ReadWrite.All"
$displayName = 'Microsoft Teams meeting add-on for Google Workspace'
$appId = '7969c887-ba98-48bb-8832-6c9239929d7c'
# Check if a service principal already exists for the app
$servicePrincipal = Get-MgServicePrincipal -Filter "appId eq '$appId'"
if ($servicePrincipal) {
# Service principal exists already
Write-Host "The Service principal already exists"
} else {
# Service principal does not yet exist, create it
New-MgServicePrincipal -AppId $appId -DisplayName $displayName
Write-Host "Created the Service Principal"