Phone number management for Poland
Use this page to find information on acquiring and porting phone numbers in Poland for Microsoft Teams.
For more information, see Manage phone numbers for your organization.
On this page:
Acquiring New Numbers from Microsoft Teams
Frequently Asked Questions | Details |
What information and documents do I need to provide for my new number order? |
What number types are available? | |
How much time will it take for me to acquire new phone numbers (approximately)? |
Miscellaneous information |
You can submit your number acquisition request through the Teams Administration Center.
- Get new user phone numbers in the Microsoft Teams admin center.
- Get new service phone numbers in the Microsoft Teams admin center.
If any additional documentation or correspondence is required or if you need additional assistance, please contact the TNS Service Desk.
Porting Existing Numbers to Microsoft Teams
Frequently Asked Questions | Details |
What information and documents do I need to provide for my port order? |
How long will it take for me to port my phone numbers (approximately)? |
When do phone number ports take place? |
Can I change or cancel my port order? |
Can I port some but not all of my phone numbers? |
What number types can I port?
Number Types | User | VoiceApps (Auto Attendants and Call Queues) | Audio Conferencing |
Geographic | Yes | Yes | No |
Toll-Free | No | No | No |
You can submit your porting request through the Teams Admin Center.
If any additional documentation or correspondence is required or if you need additional assistance, please contact the TNS Service Desk.
Related Topics
Different kinds of phone numbers used for Calling Plans
Manage phone numbers for your organization
Manage the usage of a phone number (user, conferencing, VoiceApp)
Contact the Telephone Number Services team
Get support for Microsoft 365 for business
How many telephone numbers can you get?