You can control access to your Azure Elastic storage area network (SAN) volumes. Controlling access allows you to secure your data and meet the needs of your applications and enterprise environments.
This article describes how to configure your Elastic SAN to allow access from your Azure virtual network infrastructure.
Once you've installed the latest version, run az extension add -n elastic-san to install the extension for Elastic SAN.
There are no extra registration steps required.
The following list contains the regions Elastic SAN is currently available in, and which regions support both zone-redundant storage (ZRS) and locally redundant storage (LRS), or only LRS:
Australia East - LRS
Brazil South - LRS
Canada Central - LRS
Central US - LRS
East Asia - LRS
East US - LRS
East US 2 - LRS
France Central - LRS & ZRS
Germany West Central - LRS
India Central - LRS
Japan East - LRS
Korea Central - LRS
North Europe - LRS & ZRS
Norway East - LRS
South Africa North - LRS
South Central US - LRS
Southeast Asia - LRS
Sweden Central - LRS
Switzerland North - LRS
UAE North - LRS
UK South - LRS
West Europe - LRS & ZRS
West US 2 - LRS & ZRS
West US 3 - LRS
Elastic SAN is also available in the following regions, but without Availability Zone support. To deploy in the following regions, use either the Azure PowerShell module or the Azure CLI:
Canada East - LRS
Japan West - LRS
North Central US - LRS
Australia Central - LRS
Southeast Brazil - LRS
Korea South - LRS
UAE Central - LRS
Switzerland West - LRS
Germany North - LRS
France South- LRS
Norway West - LRS
Sweden South - LRS
West Central US - LRS
West US - LRS
UK West - LRS
To enable these regions, run the following command to register the necessary feature flag:
You enable public Internet access to your Elastic SAN endpoints at the SAN level. Enabling public network access for an Elastic SAN allows you to configure public access to individual volume groups over storage service endpoints. By default, public access to individual volume groups is denied even if you allow it at the SAN level. You must explicitly configure your volume groups to permit access from specific IP address ranges and virtual network subnets.
You can enable public network access when you create an elastic SAN, or enable it for an existing SAN using the Azure PowerShell module or the Azure CLI.
Use the Azure PowerShell module or the Azure CLI to enable public network access.
Use this sample code to create an Elastic SAN with public network access enabled using PowerShell. Replace the variable values before running the sample.
# Set the variable values.
# The name of the resource group where the Elastic San is deployed.
$RgName = "<ResourceGroupName>"
# The name of the Elastic SAN.
$EsanName = "<ElasticSanName>"
# The region where the new Elastic San will be created.
$Location = "<Location>"
# The SKU of the new Elastic SAN - `Premium_LRS` or `Premium_ZRS`.
$SkuName = "<SkuName>"
# The base size of the new Elastic SAN.
$BaseSize = "<BaseSize>"
# The extended size of the new Elastic SAN.
$ExtendedSize = "<ExtendedSize>"
# Setup the parameters to create an Elastic San with public network access enabled.
$NewEsanArguments = @{
Name = $EsanName
ResourceGroupName = $RgName
BaseSizeTiB = $BaseSize
ExtendedCapacitySizeTiB = $ExtendedSize
Location = $Location
SkuName = $SkuName
PublicNetworkAccess = "Enabled"
# Create the Elastic San.
New-AzElasticSan @NewEsanArguments
Use this sample code to update an Elastic SAN to enable public network access using PowerShell. Replace the values of RgName and EsanName with your own, then run the sample:
# Set the variable values.
$RgName = "<ResourceGroupName>"
$EsanName = "<ElasticSanName>"
# Update the Elastic San.
Update-AzElasticSan -Name $EsanName -ResourceGroupName $RgName -PublicNetworkAccess Enabled
Use this sample code to create an Elastic SAN with public network access enabled using the Azure CLI. Replace the variable values before running the sample.
# Set the variable values.
# The name of the resource group where the Elastic San is deployed.
# The name of the Elastic SAN.
# The region where the new Elastic San will be created.
# The SKU of the new Elastic SAN - `Premium_LRS` or `Premium_ZRS`.
# The base size of the new Elastic SAN.
# The extended size of the new Elastic SAN.
# Create the Elastic San.
az elastic-san create \
--elastic-san-name $EsanName \
--resource-group $RgName \
--location $Location \
--base-size-tib $BaseSize \
--extended-capacity-size-tib $ExtendedSize \
--sku $SkuName \
--public-network-access enabled
Use this sample code to update an Elastic SAN to enable public network access using the Azure CLI. Replace the values of RgName and EsanName with your own values:
# Set the variable values.
# Update the Elastic San.
az elastic-san update \
--elastic-san-name $EsanName \
--resource-group $RgName \
--public-network-access enabled
Configure iSCSI error detection
Enable iSCSI error detection
To enable CRC-32C checksum verification for iSCSI headers or data payloads, set CRC-32C on header or data digests for all connections on your clients that connect to Elastic SAN volumes. To do this, connect your clients to Elastic SAN volumes using multi-session scripts generated either in the Azure portal or provided in either the Windows or Linux Elastic SAN connection articles.
If you need to, you can do this without the multi-session connection scripts. On Windows, you can do this by setting header or data digests to 1 during login to the Elastic SAN volumes (LoginTarget and PersistentLoginTarget). On Linux, you can do this by updating the global iSCSI configuration file (iscsid.conf, generally found in /etc/iscsi directory). When a volume is connected, a node is created along with a configuration file specific to that node (for example, on Ubuntu it can be found in /etc/iscsi/nodes/$volume_iqn/portal_hostname,$port directory) inheriting the settings from global configuration file. If you have already connected volumes to your client before updating your global configuration file, update the node specific configuration file for each volume directly, or using the following command:
To enforce iSCSI error detection, set CRC-32C for both header and data digests on your clients and enable the CRC protection property on the volume group that contains volumes already connected to or have yet to be connected to from your clients. If your Elastic SAN volumes are already connected and don't have CRC-32C for both digests, you should disconnect the volumes and reconnect them using multi-session scripts generated in the Azure portal when connecting to an Elastic SAN volume, or from the Windows or Linux Elastic SAN connection articles.
CRC protection feature isn't currently available in North Europe and South Central US.
Enable CRC protection on an existing volume group:
Use this script to enable CRC protection on a new volume group using the Azure PowerShell module. Replace the values of $RgName, $EsanName, $EsanVgName before running the script.
# Set the variable values.
# The name of the resource group where the Elastic San is deployed.
$RgName = "<ResourceGroupName>"
# The name of the Elastic SAN.
$EsanName = "<ElasticSanName>"
# The name of volume group within the Elastic SAN.
$EsanVgName = "<VolumeGroupName>"
# Create a volume group by enabling CRC protection
New-AzElasticSanVolumeGroup -ResourceGroupName $RgName -ElasticSANName $EsanName -Name $EsanVgName -EnforceDataIntegrityCheckForIscsi $true
Use this script to enable CRC protection on an existing volume group using the Azure PowerShell module. Replace the values of $RgName, $EsanName, $EsanVgName before running the script.
# Set the variable values.
$RgName = "<ResourceGroupName>"
$EsanName = "<ElasticSanName>"
$EsanVgName = "<VolumeGroupName>"
# Edit a volume group to enable CRC protection
Update-AzElasticSanVolumeGroup -ResourceGroupName $RgName -ElasticSANName $EsanName -Name $EsanVgName -EnforceDataIntegrityCheckForIscsi $true
The following code sample enable CRC protection on a new volume group using Azure CLI. Replace the values of RgName, EsanName, EsanVgName, before running the sample.
# Set the variable values.
# The name of the resource group where the Elastic San is deployed.
# The name of the Elastic SAN.
# The name of volume group within the Elastic SAN.
EsanVgName= "<VolumeGroupName>"
# Create the Elastic San.
az elastic-san volume-group create \
--elastic-san-name $EsanName \
--resource-group $RgName \
--volume-group-name $EsanVgName \
--data-integrity-check true
The following code sample enable CRC protection on an existing volume group using Azure CLI. Replace the values of RgName, EsanName, EsanVgName, before running the sample.
# Set the variable values.
EsanVgName= "<VolumeGroupName>"
# Create the Elastic San.
az elastic-san volume-group update \
--elastic-san-name $EsanName \
--resource-group $RgName \
--volume-group-name $EsanVgName \
--data-integrity-check true
Configure a virtual network endpoint
You can configure your Elastic SAN volume groups to allow access only from endpoints on specific virtual network subnets. The allowed subnets can belong to virtual networks in the same subscription, or those in a different subscription, including a subscription belonging to a different Microsoft Entra tenant.
You can allow access to your Elastic SAN volume group from two types of Azure virtual network endpoints:
A private endpoint uses one or more private IP addresses from your virtual network subnet to access an Elastic SAN volume group over the Microsoft backbone network. With a private endpoint, traffic between your virtual network and the volume group are secured over a private link.
Virtual network service endpoints are public and accessible via the internet. You can Configure virtual network rules to control access to your volume group when using storage service endpoints.
Network rules only apply to the public endpoints of a volume group, not private endpoints. The process of approving the creation of a private endpoint grants implicit access to traffic from the subnet that hosts the private endpoint. You can use Network Policies to control traffic over private endpoints if you want to refine access rules. If you want to use private endpoints exclusively, don't enable service endpoints for the volume group.
There are two steps involved in configuring a private endpoint connection:
Creating the endpoint and the associated connection.
Approving the connection.
You can also use Network Policies to refine access control over private endpoints.
To create a private endpoint for an Elastic SAN volume group, you must have the Elastic SAN Volume Group Owner role. To approve a new private endpoint connection, you must have permission to the Azure resource provider operationMicrosoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action. Permission for this operation is included in the Elastic SAN Network Admin role, but it can also be granted via a custom Azure role.
If you create the endpoint from a user account that has all of the necessary roles and permissions required for creation and approval, the process can be completed in one step. If not, it requires two separate steps by two different users.
The Elastic SAN and the virtual network could be in different resource groups, regions, and subscriptions, including subscriptions that belong to different Microsoft Entra tenants. In these examples, we're creating the private endpoint in the same resource group as the virtual network.
You can create a private endpoint connection to your volume group in the Azure portal either when you create a volume group or when modifying an existing volume group. You need an existing virtual network to create a private endpoint.
When creating or modifying a volume group, select Networking, then select + Create a private endpoint under Private endpoint connections.
Fill out the values in the menu that pops up, select the virtual network and the subnet that your applications will use to connect. When you're done, select Add, and Save.
Deploying a private endpoint for an Elastic SAN Volume group using PowerShell involves these steps:
Get the subnet from the applications that will connect.
Get the Elastic SAN Volume Group.
Create a private link service connection using the volume group as input.
Create the private endpoint using the subnet and the private link service connection as input.
(Optional)if you're using the two-step process (creation, then approval)): The Elastic SAN Network Admin approves the connection.
Use this sample code to create a private endpoint for your Elastic SAN volume group with PowerShell. Replace the values of RgName, VnetName, SubnetName, EsanName, EsanVgName, PLSvcConnectionName, EndpointName, and Location(Region) with your own values:
# Set the resource group name.
$RgName = "<ResourceGroupName>"
# Set the virtual network and subnet, which is used when creating the private endpoint.
$VnetName = "<VnetName>"
$SubnetName = "<SubnetName>"
$Vnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $VnetName -ResourceGroupName $RgName
$Subnet = $Vnet | Select -ExpandProperty subnets | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $SubnetName}
# Set the Elastic SAN, which is used when creating the private endpoint service connection.
$EsanName = "<ElasticSanName>"
$EsanVgName = "<ElasticSanVolumeGroupName>"
$Esan = Get-AzElasticSan -Name $EsanName -ResourceGroupName $RgName
# Create the private link service connection, which is input to creating the private endpoint.
$PLSvcConnectionName = "<PrivateLinkSvcConnectionName>"
$EsanPlSvcConn = New-AzPrivateLinkServiceConnection -Name $PLSvcConnectionName -PrivateLinkServiceId $Esan.Id -GroupId $EsanVgName
# Create the private endpoint.
$EndpointName = '<PrivateEndpointName>'
$Location = '<Location>'
$PeArguments = @{
Name = $EndpointName
ResourceGroupName = $RgName
Location = $Location
Subnet = $Subnet
PrivateLinkServiceConnection = $EsanPlSvcConn
New-AzPrivateEndpoint @PeArguments # -ByManualRequest # (Uncomment the `-ByManualRequest` parameter if you are using the two-step process).
Use this sample code to approve the private link service connection if you're using the two-step process. Use the same variables from the previous code sample:
# Get the private endpoint and associated connection.
$PrivateEndpoint = Get-AzPrivateEndpoint -Name $EndpointName -ResourceGroupName $RgName
$PeConnArguments = @{
ServiceName = $EsanName
ResourceGroupName = $RgName
PrivateLinkResourceType = "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans"
$EndpointConnection = Get-AzPrivateEndpointConnection @PeConnArguments |
Where-Object {($_.PrivateEndpoint.Id -eq $PrivateEndpoint.Id)}
# Approve the private link service connection.
Approve-AzPrivateEndpointConnection @PeConnArguments -Name $EndpointConnection.Name -Description $ApprovalDesc
# Get the private endpoint connection anew and verify the connection status.
$EndpointConnection = Get-AzPrivateEndpointConnection @PeConnArguments |
Where-Object {($_.PrivateEndpoint.Id -eq $PrivateEndpoint.Id)}
Deploying a private endpoint for an Elastic SAN Volume group using the Azure CLI involves three steps:
Get the private connection resource ID of the Elastic SAN.
Create the private endpoint using inputs:
Private connection resource ID
Volume group name
Resource group name
Subnet name
Virtual network name
(Optionalif you're using the two-step process (creation, then approval)): The Elastic SAN Network Admin approves the connection.
Use this sample code to create a private endpoint for your Elastic SAN volume group with the Azure CLI. Uncomment the --manual-request parameter if you're using the two-step process. Replace all example variable values with your own:
# Define some variables.
# The name of the resource group where the resources are deployed.
# The name of the subnet from which access to the volume group will be configured.
# The name of the virtual network that includes the subnet.
# The name of the Elastic SAN that the volume group belongs to.
# The name of the Elastic SAN Volume Group to which a connection is to be created.
# The name of the new private endpoint
# The name of the new private link service connection to the volume group.
# The region where the new private endpoint will be created.
# The description provided for the approval of the private endpoint connection.
# Get the id of the Elastic SAN.
id=$(az elastic-san show \
--elastic-san-name $EsanName \
--resource-group $RgName \
--query 'id' \
--output tsv)
# Create the private endpoint.
az network private-endpoint create \
--connection-name $PLSvcConnectionName \
--name $EndpointName \
--private-connection-resource-id $id \
--resource-group $RgName \
--vnet-name $VnetName \
--subnet $SubnetName \
--location $Location \
--group-id $EsanVgName # --manual-request
# Verify the status of the private endpoint connection.
PLConnectionName=$(az network private-endpoint-connection list \
--name $EsanName \
--resource-group $RgName \
--type Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans \
--query "[?properties.groupIds[0]=='$EsanVgName'].name" -o tsv)
az network private-endpoint-connection show \
--resource-name $EsanName \
--resource-group $RgName \
--type Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans \
--name $PLConnectionName
Use this sample code to approve the private link service connection if you're using the two-step process. Use the same variables from the previous code sample:
To configure an Azure Storage service endpoint from the virtual network where access is required, you must have permission to the Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/joinViaServiceEndpoint/actionAzure resource provider operation via a custom Azure role to configure a service endpoint.
Virtual network service endpoints are public and accessible via the internet. You can Configure virtual network rules to control access to your volume group when using storage service endpoints.
Configuration of rules that grant access to subnets in virtual networks that are a part of a different Microsoft Entra tenant are currently only supported through PowerShell, CLI and REST APIs. These rules cannot be configured through the Azure portal, though they can be viewed in the portal.
You might see Microsoft.Storage listed as an available storage service endpoint. That option is for intra-region endpoints which exist for backward compatibility only. Always use cross-region endpoints unless you have a specific reason for using intra-region ones.
For Subnets select all the subnets where you want to allow access.
Select Add.
Use this sample code to create a storage service endpoint for your Elastic SAN volume group with PowerShell.
# Define some variables
$RgName = "<ResourceGroupName>"
$VnetName = "<VnetName>"
$SubnetName = "<SubnetName>"
# Get the virtual network and subnet
$Vnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName $RgName -Name $VnetName
$Subnet = Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -VirtualNetwork $Vnet -Name $SubnetName
# Enable the storage service endpoint
$Vnet | Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $SubnetName -AddressPrefix $Subnet.AddressPrefix -ServiceEndpoint "Microsoft.Storage.Global" | Set-AzVirtualNetwork
Use this sample code to create a storage service endpoint for your Elastic SAN volume group with the Azure CLI.
# Define some variables
# Enable the storage service endpoint
az network vnet subnet update --resource-group $RgName --vnet-name $VnetName --name $SubnetName --service-endpoints "Microsoft.Storage.Global"
Configure virtual network rules
All incoming requests for data over a service endpoint are blocked by default. Only applications that request data from allowed sources that you configure in your network rules are able to access your data.
You can manage virtual network rules for volume groups through the Azure portal, PowerShell, or CLI.
If you want to enable access to your storage account from a virtual network/subnet in another Microsoft Entra tenant, you must use PowerShell or the Azure CLI. The Azure portal does not show subnets in other Microsoft Entra tenants.
If you delete a subnet that has been included in a network rule, it will be removed from the network rules for the volume group. If you create a new subnet with the same name, it won't have access to the volume group. To allow access, you must explicitly authorize the new subnet in the network rules for the volume group.
To add a network rule for a subnet in a virtual network belonging to another Microsoft Entra tenant, use a fully qualified VirtualNetworkResourceId parameter in the form "/subscriptions/subscription-ID/resourceGroups/resourceGroup-Name/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vNet-name/subnets/subnet-name".
Remove a virtual network rule.
## You can remove a virtual network rule by object, by resource ID, or by removing all the rules in a volume group
### remove by networkRule object
Remove-AzElasticSanVolumeGroupNetworkRule -ResourceGroupName myRGName -ElasticSanName mySANName -VolumeGroupName myVolGroupName -NetworkAclsVirtualNetworkRule $virtualNetworkRule1,$virtualNetworkRule2
### remove by networkRuleResourceId
Remove-AzElasticSanVolumeGroupNetworkRule -ResourceGroupName myRGName -ElasticSanName mySANName -VolumeGroupName myVolGroupName -NetworkAclsVirtualNetworkResourceId "myResourceID"
### Remove all network rules in a volume group by pipeline
((Get-AzElasticSanVolumeGroup -ResourceGroupName myRGName -ElasticSanName mySANName -VolumeGroupName myVolGroupName).NetworkAclsVirtualNetworkRule) | Remove-AzElasticSanVolumeGroupNetworkRule -ResourceGroupName myRGName -ElasticSanName mySANName -VolumeGroupName myVolGroupName
Add a network rule for a virtual network and subnet.
To add a rule for a subnet in a virtual network belonging to another Microsoft Entra tenant, use a fully-qualified subnet ID in the form /subscriptions/\<subscription-ID\>/resourceGroups/\<resourceGroup-Name\>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/\<vNet-name\>/subnets/\<subnet-name\>.
You can use the subscription parameter to retrieve the subnet ID for a virtual network belonging to another Microsoft Entra tenant.
# First, get the current length of the list of virtual networks. This is needed to ensure you append a new network instead of replacing existing ones.
virtualNetworkListLength = az elastic-san volume-group show -e $sanName -n $volumeGroupName -g $RgName --query 'length(networkAcls.virtualNetworkRules)'
az elastic-san volume-group update -e $sanName -g $RgName --name $volumeGroupName --network-acls virtual-network-rules[$virtualNetworkListLength] "{virtualNetworkRules:[{id:/subscriptions/subscriptionID/resourceGroups/RGName/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/$VnetName/subnets/default, action:Allow}]}"
Remove a network rule. The following command removes the first network rule, modify it to remove the network rule you'd like.
After you have enabled the desired endpoints and granted access in your network rules, you're ready to configure your clients to connect to the appropriate Elastic SAN volumes.
If a connection between a virtual machine (VM) and an Elastic SAN volume is lost, the connection will retry for 90 seconds until terminating. Losing a connection to an Elastic SAN volume won't cause the VM to restart.