Enable Azure Arc on Kubernetes cluster on your Azure Stack Edge Pro GPU device

APPLIES TO: Yes for Pro GPU SKUAzure Stack Edge Pro - GPUYes for Pro 2 SKUAzure Stack Edge Pro 2Yes for Pro R SKUAzure Stack Edge Pro RYes for Mini R SKUAzure Stack Edge Mini R                  

This article shows you how to enable Azure Arc on an existing Kubernetes cluster on your Azure Stack Edge Pro device.

This procedure assumes that you've read and understood the following articles:


Make sure that you've completed the following prerequisites on your Azure Stack Edge Pro device and the client that you use to access the device:

For device

  1. You have sign-in credentials to a 1-node Azure Stack Edge Pro device.

    1. The device is activated. See Activate the device.
    2. The device has the compute role configured via Azure portal and has a Kubernetes cluster. See Configure compute.
  2. You have owner access to the subscription. You would need this access during the role assignment step for your service principal.

For client accessing the device

  1. You have a Windows client system that is used to access the Azure Stack Edge Pro device.

    • The client is running Windows PowerShell 5.0 or later. To download the latest version of Windows PowerShell, go to Install Windows PowerShell.

    • You can have any other client with a Supported operating system as well. This article describes the procedure when using a Windows client.

  2. You've completed the procedure described in Access the Kubernetes cluster on Azure Stack Edge Pro device. You have:

    • Installed kubectl on the client.
    • Make sure that the kubectl client version is skewed no more than one version from the Kubernetes master version running on your Azure Stack Edge Pro device.
      • Use kubectl version to check the version of kubectl running on the client. Make a note of the full version.

      • In the local UI of your Azure Stack Edge Pro device, go to Software update and note the Kubernetes server version number.

        Screenshot of verify Kubernetes server version number.

      • Verify these two versions are compatible.

Register Kubernetes resource providers

Before you enable Azure Arc on the Kubernetes cluster, you need to enable and register Microsoft.Kubernetes and Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration against your subscription.

  1. To enable a resource provider, in the Azure portal, go to the subscription that you're planning to use for the deployment. Go to Resource Providers.

  2. In the right-pane, search for the providers you want to add. In this example, Microsoft.Kubernetes and Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration.

    Screenshot of register Kubernetes resource providers.

  3. Select a resource provider and from the top of the command bar, select Register. Registration takes several minutes.

    Screenshot of register Kubernetes resource providers 2.

  4. Refresh the UI until you see that the resource provider is registered. Repeat the process for both resource providers.

    Screenshot of register Kubernetes resource providers 3.

You can also register resource providers via the az cli. For more information, see Register the two providers for Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes.

Create service principal, assign role

  1. Make sure that you have Subscription ID and the name of the resource group you used for the resource deployment for your Azure Stack Edge service. To get the subscription ID, go to your Azure Stack Edge resource in the Azure portal. Navigate to Overview > Essentials.

    Screenshot of get subscription ID.

    To get the resource group name, go to Properties.

    Screenshot of get resource group name.

  2. To create a service principal, use the following command via the az cli.

    az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "<Informative name for service principal>"

    For information on how to log into the az cli, Start Cloud Shell in Azure portal. If using az cli on a local client to create the service principal, make sure that you're running version 2.25 or later.

    Here's an example.

    PS /home/user> az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "https://azure-arc-for-ase-k8s"
      "appId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "displayName": "azure-arc-for-ase-k8s",
      "name": "https://azure-arc-for-ase-k8s",
      "password": "<password>",
      "tenant": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    PS /home/user>
  3. Make a note of the appId, name, password, and tenantID as you'll use these values as input to the next command.

    There are several ways to obtain appId. The following three options are the preferred methods. If you use one of the following options, you can skip steps 1, 2, and 3 from the previous section and move directly to the following step 4.

    • Option 1 - Use Minishell to run the following PowerShell cmdlet:

      [Device-IP]: PS> Get-AzureDataBoxEdgeApplicationId
      [Device-IP]: PS>
    • Option 2 - Use the following steps to view JSON details for your device In Azure portal:

      1. Navigate to your Azure Stack Edge device Overview and then select JSON view at top right.

        Screenshot of view Overview page for your Azure Stack Edge device.

      2. In the Resource JSON details for your device, make note of the principalId.

        Screenshot of view JSON details for your Azure Stack Edge device.

    • Option 3 - Use non-Azure Stack Edge PowerShell on a client machine to run the following command:

      // ASE resource group and resource name can be obtained from Azure portal
      PS C:\> $ASEResource= GetAzResource –ResourceGroupName <resource-group-name> -ResourceName <resource-name>
      PS C:\> $ASEResource.Identity.PrincipalId
      PS C:\>
  4. After you create the new service principal, or after you retrieve it using one of these options, assign the Kubernetes Cluster - Azure Arc Onboarding role to the newly created principal. This is a built-in Azure role (use the role ID in the command) with limited permissions. Use the following command:

    az role assignment create --role 34e09817-6cbe-4d01-b1a2-e0eac5743d41 --assignee <appId-from-service-principal> --scope /subscriptions/<SubscriptionID>/resourceGroups/<Resource-group-name>

    Here's an example.

    PS /home/user> az role assignment create --role 34e09817-6cbe-4d01-b1a2-e0eac5743d41 --assignee xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --scope /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/myaserg1
      "canDelegate": null,
      "id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/myaserg1/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "name": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "principalId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "principalType": "ServicePrincipal",
      "resourceGroup": "myaserg1",
      "roleDefinitionId": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/34e09817-6cbe-4d01-b1a2-e0eac5743d41",
      "scope": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/myaserg1",
      "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments"
    PS /home/user>

Enable Arc on Kubernetes cluster

Follow these steps to configure the Kubernetes cluster for Azure Arc management:

  1. Connect to the PowerShell interface of your device.

  2. Run the following command:

    Set-HcsKubernetesAzureArcAgent -SubscriptionId "<Your Azure Subscription Id>" -ResourceGroupName "<Resource Group Name>" -ResourceName "<Azure Arc resource name (shouldn't exist already)>" -Location "<Region associated with resource group>" -TenantId "<Tenant Id of service principal>" -ClientId "<App id of service principal>"

    After you run this command, you see a follow-up prompt to specify ClientSecret. Provide the service principal password at the prompt.

    Add the CloudEnvironment parameter if you're using a cloud other than Azure public. You can set this parameter to AZUREPUBLICCLOUD, AZURECHINACLOUD, AZUREGERMANCLOUD, and AZUREUSGOVERNMENTCLOUD.

    Usage considerations:

    • To deploy Azure Arc on your device, make sure that you're using a Supported region for Azure Arc.
    • Use the az account list-locations command to determine the exact location name to pass in the Set-HcsKubernetesAzureArcAgent cmdlet. Location names are typically formatted without any spaces.


    If you obtain the Id instead of creating a new service principle using the older method, then do not specify ClientId, TenantId, or ClientSecret.

    Here's an example:

    []: PS>Set-HcsKubernetesAzureArcAgent -SubscriptionId "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" -ResourceGroupName "myaserg1" -ResourceName "myasetestresarc" -Location "westeurope" -TenantId "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" -ClientId "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    WARNING: A script or application on the remote computer is sending a prompt request. When you are prompted,
    enter sensitive information, such as credentials or passwords, only if you trust the remote computer and the
    application or script that is requesting the data.
    cmdlet Set-HcsKubernetesAzureArcAgent at command pipeline position 1
    Supply values for the following parameters:
    ClientSecret: **********************************
    []: PS>

    In the Azure portal, a resource should be created with the name you provided in the preceding command.

    Screenshot of go to Azure Arc resource.

  3. To verify that Azure Arc is enabled successfully, run the following command from PowerShell interface:

    kubectl get deployments,pods -n azure-arc

    Here's a sample output that shows the Azure Arc agents that were deployed on your Kubernetes cluster in the azure-arc namespace.

    []: PS>kubectl get deployments,pods -n azure-arc
    NAME                                        READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/cluster-metadata-operator   1/1     1            1           13d
    deployment.apps/clusterconnect-agent        1/1     1            1           13d
    deployment.apps/clusteridentityoperator     1/1     1            1           13d
    deployment.apps/config-agent                1/1     1            1           13d
    deployment.apps/controller-manager          1/1     1            1           13d
    deployment.apps/extension-manager           1/1     1            1           13d
    deployment.apps/flux-logs-agent             1/1     1            1           13d
    deployment.apps/kube-aad-proxy              1/1     1            1           13d
    deployment.apps/metrics-agent               1/1     1            1           13d
    deployment.apps/resource-sync-agent         1/1     1            1           13d
    NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/cluster-metadata-operator-9568b899c-2stjn   2/2     Running   0          13d
    pod/clusterconnect-agent-576758886d-vggmv       3/3     Running   0          13d
    pod/clusteridentityoperator-6f59466c87-mm96j    2/2     Running   0          13d
    pod/config-agent-7cbd6cb89f-9fdnt               2/2     Running   0          13d
    pod/controller-manager-df6d56db5-kxmfj          2/2     Running   0          13d
    pod/extension-manager-58c94c5b89-c6q72          2/2     Running   0          13d
    pod/flux-logs-agent-6db9687fcb-rmxww            1/1     Running   0          13d
    pod/kube-aad-proxy-67b87b9f55-bthqv             2/2     Running   0          13d
    pod/metrics-agent-575c565fd9-k5j2t              2/2     Running   0          13d
    pod/resource-sync-agent-6bbd8bcd86-x5bk5        2/2     Running   0          13d
    []: PS>

A conceptual overview of these agents is available here.

Remove Arc from the Kubernetes cluster

To remove the Azure Arc management, follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the PowerShell interface of your device.

  2. Run the following command:



By default, when resource yamls are deleted from the Git repository, the corresponding resources aren't deleted from the Kubernetes cluster. You need to set --sync-garbage-collection in Arc OperatorParams to allow the deletion of resources when deleted from git repository. For more information, see Delete a configuration

Next steps

To understand how to run an Azure Arc deployment, see Deploy a stateless PHP Guestbook application with Redis via GitOps on an Azure Stack Edge Pro device.