Azure Functions scenarios
We often build systems to react to a series of critical events. Whether you're building a web API, responding to database changes, processing event streams or messages, Azure Functions can be used to implement them.
In many cases, a function integrates with an array of cloud services to provide feature-rich implementations. The following are a common (but by no means exhaustive) set of scenarios for Azure Functions.
Select your development language at the top of the article.
Process file uploads
There are several ways to use functions to process files into or out of a blob storage container. To learn more about options for triggering on a blob container, see Working with blobs in the best practices documentation.
For example, in a retail solution, a partner system can submit product catalog information as files into blob storage. You can use a blob triggered function to validate, transform, and process the files into the main system as they're uploaded.
The following tutorials use a Blob trigger (Event Grid based) to process files in a blob container:
For example, using the blob trigger with an event subscription on blob containers:
public static async Task Run([BlobTrigger("catalog-uploads/{name}", Source = BlobTriggerSource.EventGrid, Connection = "<NAMED_STORAGE_CONNECTION>")]Stream myCatalogData, string name, ILogger log)
log.LogInformation($"C# Blob trigger function Processed blob\n Name:{name} \n Size: {myCatalogData.Length} Bytes");
using (var reader = new StreamReader(myCatalogData))
var catalogEntry = await reader.ReadLineAsync();
while(catalogEntry !=null)
// Process the catalog entry
// ...
catalogEntry = await reader.ReadLineAsync();
Real-time stream and event processing
So much telemetry is generated and collected from cloud applications, IoT devices, and networking devices. Azure Functions can process that data in near real-time as the hot path, then store it in Azure Cosmos DB for use in an analytics dashboard.
Your functions can also use low-latency event triggers, like Event Grid, and real-time outputs like SignalR to process data in near-real-time.
For example, using the event hubs trigger to read from an event hub and the output binding to write to an event hub after debatching and transforming the events:
public static async Task Run(
Connection = "InputEventHubConnectionSetting",
ConsumerGroup = "%Input_EH_ConsumerGroup%")] EventData[] inputMessages,
Connection = "OutputEventHubConnectionSetting")] IAsyncCollector<SensorDataRecord> outputMessages,
PartitionContext partitionContext,
ILogger log)
var debatcher = new Debatcher(log);
var debatchedMessages = await debatcher.Debatch(inputMessages, partitionContext.PartitionId);
var xformer = new Transformer(log);
await xformer.Transform(debatchedMessages, partitionContext.PartitionId, outputMessages);
- Streaming at scale with Azure Event Hubs, Functions and Azure SQL
- Streaming at scale with Azure Event Hubs, Functions and Cosmos DB
- Streaming at scale with Azure Event Hubs with Kafka producer, Functions with Kafka trigger and Cosmos DB
- Streaming at scale with Azure IoT Hub, Functions and Azure SQL
- Azure Event Hubs trigger for Azure Functions
- Apache Kafka trigger for Azure Functions
Machine learning and AI
Besides data processing, Azure Functions can be used to infer on models. The Azure OpenAI binding extension lets easily integrate features and behaviors of the Azure OpenAI service into your function code executions.
Functions can connect to an OpenAI resources to enable text and chat completions, use assistants, and leverage embeddings and semantic search.
A function might also call a TensorFlow model or Azure AI services to process and classify a stream of images.
- Tutorial: Text completion using Azure OpenAI
- Sample: Upload text files and access data using various OpenAI features
- Sample: Text summarization using AI Cognitive Language Service
- Sample: Text completion using Azure OpenAI
- Sample: Provide assistant skills to your model
- Sample: Generate embeddings
- Sample: Leverage semantic search
- Tutorial: Text completion using Azure OpenAI
- Sample: Text completion using Azure OpenAI
- Sample: Provide assistant skills to your model
- Sample: Generate embeddings
- Sample: Leverage semantic search
- Tutorial: Text completion using Azure OpenAI
- Training: Create a custom skill for Azure AI Search
- Sample: Chat using ChatGPT
- Sample: Upload text files and access data using various OpenAI features
- Tutorial: Text completion using Azure OpenAI
- Training: Create a custom skill for Azure AI Search
- Sample: Chat using ChatGPT
- Sample: Upload text files and access data using various OpenAI features
- Tutorial: Text completion using Azure OpenAI
- Tutorial: Apply machine learning models in Azure Functions with Python and TensorFlow
- Tutorial: Deploy a pretrained image classification model to Azure Functions with PyTorch
- Sample: Text completion using Azure OpenAI
- Sample: Provide assistant skills to your model
- Sample: Generate embeddings
- Sample: Leverage semantic search
- Sample: Chat using ChatGPT
- Sample: LangChain with Azure OpenAI and ChatGPT
- Tutorial: Text completion using Azure OpenAI
- Sample: Text completion using Azure OpenAI
- Sample: Provide assistant skills to your model
- Sample: Generate embeddings
- Sample: Leverage semantic search
Run scheduled tasks
Functions enables you to run your code based on a cron schedule that you define.
Check out how to Create a function in the Azure portal that runs on a schedule.
A financial services customer database, for example, might be analyzed for duplicate entries every 15 minutes to avoid multiple communications going out to the same customer.
public static void Run([TimerTrigger("0 */15 * * * *")]TimerInfo myTimer, ILogger log)
if (myTimer.IsPastDue)
log.LogInformation("Timer is running late!");
log.LogInformation($"C# Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}");
// Perform the database deduplication
Build a scalable web API
An HTTP triggered function defines an HTTP endpoint. These endpoints run function code that can connect to other services directly or by using binding extensions. You can compose the endpoints into a web-based API.
You can also use an HTTP triggered function endpoint as a webhook integration, such as GitHub webhooks. In this way, you can create functions that process data from GitHub events. To learn more, see Monitor GitHub events by using a webhook with Azure Functions.
For examples, see the following:
public static async Task<IActionResult> Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post")] HttpRequest req,
databaseName: "my-database",
collectionName: "my-container",
ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDbConnectionString")]IAsyncCollector<dynamic> documentsOut,
ILogger log)
string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody);
string name = data?.name;
if (name == null)
return new BadRequestObjectResult("Please pass a name in the request body json");
// Add a JSON document to the output container.
await documentsOut.AddAsync(new
// create a random ID
id = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
name = name
return new OkResult();
- Article: Create serverless APIs in Visual Studio using Azure Functions and API Management integration
- Training: Expose multiple function apps as a consistent API by using Azure API Management
- Sample: Implement the geode pattern by deploying the API to geodes in distributed Azure regions.
- Article: Azure Functions HTTP trigger
- Sample: Web application with a C# API and Azure SQL DB on Static Web Apps and Functions
Build a serverless workflow
Functions is often the compute component in a serverless workflow topology, such as a Logic Apps workflow. You can also create long-running orchestrations using the Durable Functions extension. For more information, see Durable Functions overview.
Respond to database changes
There are processes where you might need to log, audit, or perform some other operation when stored data changes. Functions triggers provide a good way to get notified of data changes to initial such an operation.
Consider these examples:
Create reliable message systems
You can use Functions with Azure messaging services to create advanced event-driven messaging solutions.
For example, you can use triggers on Azure Storage queues as a way to chain together a series of function executions. Or use service bus queues and triggers for an online ordering system.
These articles show how to write output to a storage queue:
And these articles show how to trigger from an Azure Service Bus queue or topic.