Work with OAuth tokens in Azure App Service authentication

This article shows you how to work with OAuth tokens when you use the built-in authentication and authorization in Azure App Service.

Retrieve tokens in app code

From your server code, the provider-specific tokens are injected into the request header so that you can easily access them.

The following table lists possible token header names:

Provider Header names


Different language frameworks might present these headers to the app code in different formats, such as in lowercase or by using title case.

From your client code (such as a mobile app or in-browser JavaScript), send an HTTP GET request to /.auth/me (token store must be enabled). The returned JSON has the provider-specific tokens.


Access tokens are for accessing provider resources, so they're present only if you configure your provider with a client secret.

Refresh auth tokens

When your provider's access token (not the session token) expires, you need to reauthenticate the user before you use that token again. You can avoid token expiration by making a GET call to the /.auth/refresh endpoint of your application. When called, App Service automatically refreshes the access tokens in the token store for the authenticated user. Subsequent requests for tokens by your app code get the refreshed tokens. However, for token refresh to work, the token store must contain refresh tokens for your provider. The way to get refresh tokens is documented by each provider, but the following list is a brief summary:

  • Google: Append an access_type=offline query string parameter to your /.auth/login/google API call. For more information, see Google Refresh Tokens.

  • Facebook: Doesn't provide refresh tokens. Long-lived tokens expire in 60 days (see Long-Lived Access Tokens).

  • X: Access tokens don't expire (see OAuth FAQ).

  • Microsoft: In, do the following steps:

    1. At the top of the pane, select Read/Write.

    2. On the explorer menu, go to subscriptions > subscription name > resourceGroups > resource group name > providers > Microsoft.Web > sites > app name > config > authsettingsV2.

    3. Select Edit.

    4. Modify the following property:

      "identityProviders": {
        "azureActiveDirectory": {
          "login": {
            "loginParameters": ["scope=openid profile email offline_access"]
    5. Select Put.


    The scope that gives you a refresh token is offline_access. See how it's used in Tutorial: Authenticate and authorize users end to end in Azure App Service. The other scopes are already requested by App Service by default. For information on these default scopes, see OpenID Connect Scopes.

After your provider is configured, you can find the refresh token and the expiration time for the access token in the token store.

To refresh your access token at any time, call /.auth/refresh in any language. The following snippet uses jQuery to refresh your access tokens from a JavaScript client.

function refreshTokens() {
  let refreshUrl = "/.auth/refresh";
  $.ajax(refreshUrl) .done(function() {
    console.log("Token refresh completed successfully.");
  }) .fail(function() {
    console.log("Token refresh failed. See application logs for details.");

If a user revokes the permissions granted to your app, your call to /.auth/me might fail with a 403 Forbidden response. To diagnose errors, check your application logs for details.

Extend session token expiration grace period

The authenticated session expires after 8 hours. After an authenticated session expires, a 72-hour grace period follows by default. Within this grace period, you're allowed to refresh the session token with App Service without reauthenticating the user. You can just call /.auth/refresh when your session token becomes invalid, and you don't need to track token expiration yourself. When the 72-hour grace period lapses, the user must sign in again to get a valid session token.

If 72 hours isn't enough time for you, you can extend this expiration window. Extending the expiration over a long period could have significant security implications (such as when an authentication token is leaked or stolen). We recommend that you leave the setting at the default 72 hours or set the extension period to the smallest value.

To extend the default expiration window, run the following command in Azure Cloud Shell.

az webapp auth update --resource-group <group_name> --name <app_name> --token-refresh-extension-hours <hours>


The grace period only applies to the App Service authenticated session, not to the tokens from the identity providers. No grace period exists for expired provider tokens.