struggling to make my Data Model known
I'm stuck to make my 'Data Model: RandoPro.cs' known to my 'DetailsPage.xaml'. In global using I declare 'RandoPro.Models' . I already use the very same Data Model in e.g. MainPage.xaml; using 'Name'!
In 'DetailsPage.xaml' I get below error:
Binding: Property "Name" not found on "RandoPro.ViewModel.RandoDetailsViewModel"
PS: 'Name': is properly defined in my Models: RandoPro.cs ; and correctly found in 'MainPage.xaml'!
How do I tell 'DetailsPage.xaml' where my Model 'RandoPro.cs' is?
Some where I must have a mix up/typo ! ... or an age based blackout!
thank you for your time and help, ed