Hi @Tyler Suard
In Cosmos DB, the Value refers to the document’s unique id, which distinguishes it within its logical partition.
The Partition Key is defined when creating the Cosmos DB container and determines how documents are distributed across partitions. Each document has a specific value for this key, ensuring efficient grouping and retrieval.
For example, if your partition key path is /userId, then the partition key value for a document might be "user123". This value must be provided when debugging a specific document.
Navigate to your Cosmos DB account in Azure Portal.
Open the Data Explorer and locate your container.
Browse through the documents to find the one you want to debug.
The id field (this will be your Value).
The value of the property corresponding to your partition key path (this will be your Partition Key).
Check the partition key path defined for your container in its settings (e.g., /userId, /category, etc.).
Use this path to identify the corresponding property in your document.
Value: "12345" (the id field).
Partition Key: "user123" (the value of /userId).
Select "Debug specific document" in the Debugger settings.
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