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Please follow the below steps to connect MongoDB cluster using Azure using private endpoint using azure portal.
To create a private endpoint to a node in an existing cluster, open the Networking page for the cluster.
- Select Add private endpoint.
- On the Basics tab of the Create a private endpoint screen, confirm the Subscription, Resource group, and Region. Enter a Name for the endpoint, such as my-cluster-1, and a Network interface name, such as my-cluster-1-nic.
- Select Next: Resource. Choose "Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters" for Resource type, and choose the target cluster for Resource. For Target sub-resource, choose "MongoCluster".
- Select Next: Virtual Network. Choose the desired Virtual network and Subnet. Under Private IP configuration, select Statically allocate IP address or keep the default, Dynamically allocate IP address.
- Select Next: DNS.
- Under Private DNS integration, for Integrate with private DNS zone, keep the default Yes or select No.
- Select Next: Tags, and add any desired tags.
- Select Review + create. Review the settings, and select Create when satisfied.
- Refer: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/mongodb/vcore/how-to-private-link#enable-private-access-on-an-existing-cluster
Additionally, you can enable using azure CLI commands.
Refer below doc for MongoDB connectivity.
Kindly let us know if the above helps or you need further assistance on this issue.