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It looks like your Azure Bot is successfully joining Microsoft Teams calls, but the audio isn't being routed correctly to Azure Speech Service for transcription. Currently, your setup is capturing audio from your microphone instead of the Teams call itself. To resolve this, you need to configure the bot to extract real-time media from Teams and process it through Azure Speech Service.
Steps to Achieve This
Step 1: Use Microsoft Graph API for Teams Call Integration
- Ensure your bot is correctly configured to capture media from Teams calls.
- Reference: Calls and Meetings Bots Overview
Example: Using Microsoft Graph API to Join a Call
var requestBody = new
subject = "Bot Meeting",
attendees = new[]
new { identity = new { user = new { id = "<USER_ID>" } } }
var response = await graphClient.Me.OnlineMeetings.Request()
Step 2: Enable Real-Time Media Streaming
- Configure the bot to extract real-time media using the Teams Bot Framework.
- Reference: Real-Time Media Concepts
Example: Handling Audio Streams in a Bot
public override async Task OnAudioMediaReceived(
AudioMediaReceivedEventArgs args)
byte[] audioBuffer = args.Buffer;
await _speechService.SendAudioAsync(audioBuffer);
Step 3: Stream Audio to Azure Speech Service
- Route the extracted media stream to Azure Speech Service for transcription.
- Reference: Azure Speech-to-Text
Example: Sending Audio Stream to Speech-to-Text API
using var audioConfig = AudioConfig.FromWavFileInput("audio.wav");
using var recognizer = new SpeechRecognizer(speechConfig, audioConfig);
recognizer.Recognizing += (s, e) =>
Console.WriteLine($"Recognizing: {e.Result.Text}");
await recognizer.StartContinuousRecognitionAsync();
Step 4: Use Direct Line Speech for Enhanced Integration
- If required, consider using Direct Line Speech to improve communication between the bot and Azure Speech Service.
- Reference: Direct Line Speech Integration
Example: Enabling Direct Line Speech for a Bot
"type": "directlinespeech",
"serviceEndpoint": "https://directline.botframework.com/v3/directline"
As part of the next steps, to get your bot fully functional, deploy it using Azure Bot Service (Deploy a Teams Bot), ensure you grant the necessary Graph API permissions for calls and meetings (Graph API Permissions), and optimize audio processing for real-time transcription using Azure Speech Streaming API (Azure Speech Streaming API).
Please try out these steps and check if they provide a solution. Hope this answer helps! Please comment below if you need any assistance. Happy to help!
Chakravarthi Rangarajan Bhargavi
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