how to get a reference to WebView2 control in VisualStudio.Extensibility tool window
I'm starting a Visual Studio extension where currently I need to embed WebView2 in a tool window. I need to interact with the webview by sending and receiving js messages. and loading resources. I need a reference to the WebView2 control
in a VisualStudio.Extensibility extension I added the WebView2 in the tool window xaml like that:
<wv2:CoreWebView2CreationProperties UserDataFolder="C:\temp\myFolder"/>
It works. the web view shows on the tool window.
but I could not find a way to get a reference to the WebView2 control.
or a way to install listeners in the xaml and bind them to a control class.
In a VisualStudio.Extensibility extension the tool window has a RemoteUserControl associated with it and there is a way to bind data and commands, i couldn't find a way to bind the WebView2 instance.
in a VSSDK extension i managed to do all that, I could freely create the WebView2 instance and set it as the content of the tool window. or add it in the tool window control xaml with a Name attribute and a reference is generated in the xaml.cs class.
I also saw that its possible to bind listeners in the xaml like that
I did it in a VSSDK extension, WebView_NavigationStarting is a listener on the xaml.cs class.
but i can't find a way to do it in a VisualStudio.Extensibility extension, i don't know how and where to bind the WebView_NavigationStarting.