How can i edit the NS records in my DNS zone to point to another account DNS zone
I have two Azure accounts, one personal and one business. I purchased a domain via the personal account and the domain is registered and I can see the NS and SOA records. However, the domain is for a business and I want to manage the DNS records in my…
The DNS service on my on-premise VM is not able to resolve the inbound endpoint in my DNS Private Resolver
I have a on-prem server with DNS services enabled that I am trying to configure conditional forwarding on with my inbound endpoint from my private resolver. The on-prem server is on a network that has a functioning S2S tunnel to my Azure Vnet. I have a…
Problems with dns resolution
Summary Starting from March 1st, we began experiencing DNS-related issues in the United States and Spain. Approximately 2% of users encountered a "connection reset" error when attempting to download images from the CDN. Technical Details We…
Azure Domains – Unable to Update Nameservers After Recreating DNS Zone
I am facing an issue with my domain, which i manage through Azure Domains. Recently, i deleted and recreated my azure DNS Zone, and new nameservers were assigned. However, WHOIS still shows the old nameservers, and my DNS changes are not propagating. I…

public DNS resolution broken in Canada East datacenter
Trying to create a support ticket and ending up here. Public dns resolusion in Canada East DC is partially broken

I need help with a PTR record
I've put a small mail server on the Azure free tier to experiment with the Azure cloud services. How do I setup a PTR record : <===>
How DNS Fallback to internet option will work in secured network where no default internet access?
Hi, Can you help to understand the fallback to internet option in Private DNS? how it will work within the secured network where there is restricted internet access?
Specific guidance on DNS and Azure network architecture
Hi MS Support, Could you please advice us on the following diagram: Current Implementation: Currently we have set up Virtual Network to use DNS Server which we have set it to be the private IP address of the Azure Firewall. This means all DNS…
How do I add a custom domain that is hosted on GoDaddy to Azure? Do I add the domain to my Default Directory or should I create a new one?
I currently have my primary domain ( hosted on GoDaddy. I need to move this domain and all its subdomains to Azure and reconfigure the DNS to match what it is now so I don't break my shopify site, which is hosted on, and I…
Supporting single sign-on behind an application gateway
Hi there, We're trying to deploy an application that supports single-sign on using Microsoft Accounts. Our application is running locally as expected. We're now trying to deploy on our Azure architecture. The application runs as an App Service. The App…
Is to possible to set up an alias in Azure DNS to point to a Front Door configuration in another account / tenant?
I'm looking to point an apex domain to an Azure Front door configuration, which from what I understand can be achieved with Azure DNS using an alias, however the challenge I am facing is that the Azure DNS setup and the Front Door set up are in different…
How to connect to MongoDB cluster hosted on Azure using private endpoint
Hello experts, I have an application running in customer's plant on a Windows 10 PC that needs to send data to MongoDB Atlas cluster. The PC is behind the customer firewall, so they requested needed IPs and ports for the connection. Given that Mongo…
[Managed DevOps Pools] Pipeline is not getting its agent (vnet with custom DNS)
Hello, We are trying to use a Managed DevOps Pool to implement CI/CD for an ADF resource within an Azure virtual network. The pool is created, but the Azure DevOps pipeline is never getting its agent, with nothing more information beside the…
How to establish communication between my Azure VM network and my laptop network?
I have an Azure Virtual Machine configured with two NICs: NIC 1: Public IP:, Private IP: NIC 2: Public IP:, Private IP: (set to static, also used as the DNS server) My laptop network details: IPv4…
Private DNS zone with virtual network link on creation.
We currently have a hub and spoke setup with our Custom DNS on a single Subscription. what we want to do is if new DNS zones are created they get linked to the Custome DNS Vnet. Could this be done by azure policy
How to define private dns zoneid referencing to another subscription / resource group in bicep template?
I have problem defining private dns zonegroup resource in my bicep module. Deployment fails with the error indicating that resourceid for the private dns zone existing in another subscription / resource group than current deployment scope is invalid.…

Private Endpoint NSLookup Resolving to Public IP Instead of Private IP for AppConfiguration
I have set up a Private Endpoint for my Azure resource (AppConfiguration) and followed all the necessary steps as per the Microsoft documentation, including: Created a Private Endpoint. Configured a Private DNS Zone ( Linked…
Not resolving private dns zone over point to site VPN connection into Azure
Having issues getting a private DNS setup, attached to a vnet, to resolve over a point to site VPN connection. My point to site VPN connection is working and I am able to ping the IP and get to IIS on the server. I've set the private DNS up and it's…
Clarity on multiple private endpoint creation for a service
We use private DNS at scale concept which creates DNS records in a centrally managed place (private DNS zones). If I create a private DNS entry for storage account "abc", the policy will add a DNS record (eg.…
Custom Domain - adding DNS Record
How long does the Custom Domain validation process take? Seems like I added the required DNS records but validation still failed. Thank you