How to get Azure key/key vault region?
In cross tenant scenario, like this, how to check the key region with only key/key vault url? I want to use it in create disk encryption set, but it require in same region. And it cost a lot, take a while to create. is there any way to get the region?…
New EV code signing certificate stored in Azure Key Vault triggers windows smart screen warning on signed executables
We have used a GlobalSign issued EV code signing certificate since 2021 and it is due to expire at the end of August 2024. We use this certificate to sign our installer executables as part of our build system, the signing process uses the azuresigntool…
System-assigned Managed Identities fails to remove a KeyVault Access policies on a user
Hi everyone, please help me with a problem that is driving me crazy and I've been chasing it for 2 days without understanding where the problem lies, so I configured a : KeyVault in which I saved a test secret. I created a runbook inside a test…
Entra Key Vault Key Rotation Policy to Rotating the Storage Account Key
I created a Key Vault and granted my storage account the Key Vault Officer role. I then setup a rotation policy as outline in the article below. I see versions of keys listed in Key Vault but the last rotation time stamp on the storage account key is…
Azure Key Vault Managed HSM - Security Domain Certificate Renewal
As documented by Azure, when activating an Azure Key Vault Managed HSM resource you must create a security domain by sending at least three RSA public keys to the HSM. My question is do the certificates/keys need to be updated prior to their set…
Azure Key Vault Certificate
I'm currently trying to build a workflow that work run this command automatically. Is there a way I can run this command without needing "az login"? az keyvault certificate import --vault-name "<your-key-vault-name>" -n…
Unable connect Azure KeyVault from App Service using Azure client credentails
Hi Team, I have interesting issue that we are facing in our Production environment. We have AppService that hosts the APi, it connects the KeyVault using Service Principle. In Non-prod it was able to access the KeyVault using ServicePrinciple client…
Application settings in Azure Fucntion: AccessToKeyVaultDenied
Hello, To get the connection string of a Azure Storage in Azure Function, we are using the Applicationg Settings in the configuration menu. The problem is that we are receiving the following error: AccessToKeyVaultDenied --> Key Vault reference was…
Secret loading fails in Azure Data Factory Linked Services when I try to use Azure Key vault.
I am trying to allow ADF linked services to use the key vault but I am receiving the error below. I have set the ADF linked service as per below. You can also see I have tried many RBAC roles to try and get it to work.
Import certificate API for azure key vault
i am trying to import a certificate through REST API to azure key vault, via Postman. For that purpose, i have generated the bearer token via, "" I am having two headers, The…
Character restrictions when creating an EV Certificate in Key Vault
Hi, I am trying to create a certificate for code signing within azure key vault (Web Portal). Our official company name contains a + and - character. Is there a restriction using those for the Subject entry CN=... ? as soon as either of those…
Digital Signature error message
I have created a security certificate to go with software other people will download and use. The certificate will successfully install on the computer, however when its used and unspecified error occurs. (see below). The pfx file does not have a…
Problem: Azure Backup with Disk Encryption and Key Vault Permissions (RBAC)
I’m trying to back up a virtual machine with disk encryption (both OS and data disks) using Recovery Services Vault in Azure. The key used for disk encryption is stored in Azure Key Vault, and I'm using RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) for access…
Key Vault stored Token Rotation capability
Hi Team, There is a SFI requirement to disable the storage SAS key completely from storage account. However, we are now generating SAS token using delegation user key signing method via static website host alternative to store it into kv as a secret.…
How to resolve imported certificate is a self signed certificate error in AFD even though it is a certificate issued by a private CA?
First I created CA in key vault (issuer is OnecertV2-PrivateCA) then generated certificate with the domain name but when I try to add this certificate in AFD it gives the following error: 'cannot add secret as self signed certificate is not allowed in…
How to fetch certificate from azure key vault using Ansible
Hello,Currently we are storing certificate in azure key vault.and manually binding certificate to iis service.but need a way to automate fetch certificate from azure key vault using Ansible and then automate binding.
Key Vaults Secrets/Key Expiration
Azure Key vault -key has two expiration dates configured at 2 places. While creating the key you can setup an expiration date. Need to specify the date and time. While configuring key rotation policy. Need to specify the expiry time. So, have…
Unable to fetch the secrets from Key vault to Azure DevOps Library group
Hi Team, I am trying to integrate Azure DevOps Library group to Azure key vault to fetch the secrets from here. I have created a service Principal (sampleSP01) and have a key vault (KeyVault01) with RBAC permission model . I have also made the service…
including Azure Key Vault in .NET core 8 app running on on prem IIS
My .NET core 8 app talks to Azure Key Vault when I run it in Visual Studio 2022 because I can see a reference to Azure Key Vault in the Connected Services under the project. The app does not start on the IIS server, because of an authorization fail in…
azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError: (Forbidden) Caller is not authorized to perform action on resource.
Getting below error while accessing get_secret function. "azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError: (Forbidden) Caller is not authorized to perform action on resource." Inner error: { "code": "ForbiddenByRbac" } Can anyone…