How to use the Get data features in Power Bi Desktop to import data from SQL Server
Hi, Could you please help me out? I'm stuck in this module. I have been trying to use the Get data features in Power BI to import data from SQL Server, but I keep getting an error message, unable to connect, and the message below.. Details:…
is there a describe or show function in SQL server 2022?
I have a query in the SQL 2005 server we use for archive retrieval and a similar query in our 2019 box works with no issue. Declare @POnumber varchar(max) = '6801415970' SELECT * FROM dbo.SA15 WHERE PONO = /*'6801415970'*/ @POnumber SELECT * FROM…
can I declare a variable after the query
I have a variable that is a list that I will split and but not anting to put it on top of the SQL file as I like to see my query before.
declare a variable with multiple items like an in for a where clause?
Is it possible to declare a variable with multiple items like an in for a where clause?
Find duplicate rows in SQL
I don't mind the approach but was I was looking for a PO within my database and found duplicate rows. Like, have a way to catch these.
Microsoft Applied Skill 4 - Failure to create Databases 1-4
While attempting the "Migrate SQL Server Workloads to Azure SQL Database" it failed to create Databases: DB1, DB2, DB3, and DB4. While DB5 was a partial. Has anyone else had this happen to them? What steps have you taken to resolve this…
I have a query where I like to run in another server and database
I opened a query in another database, and I would like to run it in another window. Is there a way to do that while keeping the same query window? For example server A database Q to server B database Y.
Typo on page
Hi, where do we give feedback for a typographical error on a MS Learn page? Item 6. IsMemoryGrangFeedbackAdjusted should be…
How can I change the data mapping?
I'm importing a file via excel into a table in SQL. I keep getting this error about the date time. I've tried changing the date format in Excel and nothing helps. Also I can't change the format type either.

Search all columns with the same where clause
Is there a way to search all columns with the same where clause? It is one piece of text and ideally not write a long where with or statement would be nice.
Security Update for SQL Server 2019 RTM GDR (KB5035434) failed
Security Update for SQL Server 2019 RTM GDR (KB5035434) failed

What does "Three and Four-part names? mean in "Elastic Query?
as question, would you please advise?

Is there a mistake in the depiction of EXCEPT Operator using Venn Diagram in the Advanced T-SQL Training
I believe there is a mistake in the Venn Diagram that depicts the usage of EXCEPT Operator in the Advance T-SQL Training. The result set should give "Silver/Black" also in the output as this is in the First Result Set and NOT in the Second One.…