ML.NET ImageClassification with GPU
I 'll get a very low accuracy(about 3%) This is not the case with CPU(about 88%) with RTX 3070ti What may be the reason for this?
Q/A prediction model using ML.NET
i need new exmples Q/A scenario format that has all the colums for : colums to predict, context, question , answer index
Using ML.NET for Predicting Hourly User Session Counts
I am new to AI/ML and need assistance with a business scenario that involves machine learning, specifically using ML.NET as our preferred technology. We have collected hourly user session count data per country for the last year through log analytics.…
Integrating AI to .NET
Hi, I'm a jun. .NET dev. Nowadays I wanted to learn and integrate AI to my project, but I'm confused. Should I learn phyton and integrate AIs that were written with phyton, or start using ML.NET? I want my product or project to be very high quality. But…
Learning and integrating AI with .NET
Hi, I'm a junior back-end developer in .NET. Nowadays I wanted to learn and integrate AI to my project, but I'm confused. Should I learn phyton and integrate AIs that were written with phyton, or start using ML.NET? I want my product or project to be…
I cannot re-use a workable code in 2021 to predict from LbfgsMaximumEntropy taining
Hello this piece of code is not working anymore, it was running well in 2021. Current setup : Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 (64-bit) - LTSC 17.4 Version 17.4.21 Windows 10 Entreprise LTSC 21H2 crash when use Training code at ligne 223…
How to fix the following errors while training the data in ML.NET model builder?
I am a complete beginner in ML. I followed this tutorial to get started - While training step, I run into these errors in the image. I am using Visual Studio 2019 (Community).…
System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory at TorchSharp.PInvoke.LibTorchSharp.THSGenerator_manual_seed
I was trying to reproduce the example of ML.Net in GitHub: machinelearning-samples/samples/csharp/getting-started/MLNET2/SentenceSimilarity and I got the following error : Fatal error. System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write…
¿Cómo soluciono el problema "Índice fuera de los límites de la matriz."?
Me encuentro realizando un modelo de clasificación de imagenes con dimensiones de aproximadamente 200x460 en escala de grises por imagen, dónde utilizo como dataset 4 clases de imagenes distintas con cerca de 250 imagenes cada una divididas por carpetas.…
When using AutoML for training a Win32Exception arises indicating that the wait operation timed out after 30 seconds
CPU: i7-12800h (14 cores, Total Threads: 20) RAM: 32 GB SSD: Samsung 980 Pro, 2 TB Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Evaluation NET Framework: 4.8 Microsoft.ML: 3.0.1 Microsoft.ML.AutoML: 0.21.1 Issue: When I start to train a model using AutoML, I get…
Deploy ASP.NET Core Web API with Simba Spark Driver for Databricks to Azure App Serivce
Hi all, I have a .NET Core Web API which creates a connection to the SQL endpoint of Azure Databricks with the official Simba ODBC driver. Locally everything works fine. I can see my System DSN entry and I use this driver to create the connection and…
MAUI ML.Net app running on arm64 Android device
Hello there! I have managed to create MAUI App, that utilizes ML model trained on my Windows PC. This is simple app, that classifies text into 2 categories, positive or negative. Here are the links for tutorial…
Consume ML.NET from .NET Framework 4.8
Hello, I am wondering if it is possible to consume an ML.NET Model from .NET Framework 4.8? If I consume the ML model from .NET Core it works perfectly but I need to make it work for .NET4.8 Thanks in advance for your help.
Seeking Guidance for Invoice Extraction Project Using ML.NET with Blazor
Hello ML.NET community, I am embarking on a project to develop an invoice extraction application using Blazor, and I'm planning to integrate ML.NET for accurate invoice data extraction. As a newcomer to both Blazor and ML.NET, I am seeking guidance and…
How to Apply Platt Calibration to bestRun.Model in AutoML
I am using AutoML in trainData contains the Training Data testData contains the TestData Data The code works well where I "CreateBinaryClassificationExperiment" for 20 seconds. After the 20 seconds, I return: var bestModel =…

How to use ML.NET Builder to compare data in an application (ASP.Net Core WEB Api)
How can I utilize ML.NET Builder to compare data obtained from a MongoDB collection (gst collection) based on specific parameters? Furthermore, I require assistance categorizing data retrieved from the GST portal as matched or unmatched. What procedure…

Machine Learning Model Suggestions
I'm new in machine learning and I'm trying to create a model which will identify data into accurate Item Code from Item description. I'm approaching it as a multiclass classification problem. The problem is, the Item Code can be over 1000s. My…
How can I use Machine learning model builder in production?
Hi, I've seen there's a machine learning model builder in visual studio. What I've done is, I've train my data using that model builder, and consumed that's prediction from another project of mine. The problem is, whenever I retrain the data, my data…
libtorchsharp module could not be found
im getting 2 exceptions : "System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: 'Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation " and "DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'LibTorchSharp': The specified module could not be found.…