CopyFromRecordset Automation Error
ExcelSheetPopulate.txtI had been running Office 2016 MSO (16.0.12624.20278) 32-bit for several years. I've been using the attached code in MS Access for the past 5 years without any issue. Suddenly, getting Error 430, 'Class does not support Automation…

N° Fields I have a database in Access with about 130 fields. ACCESS and LOCATION The Access file is in a shared folder, just because it really is, but only I use it, no one else goes in. PROBLEM When I want to create a calculated field the following…

Use VBA to delete all appointments in a day of Outlook
From MS Access 365 I need to use VBA to automatically delete all appointments for a specific day in the Calendar of Outlook. I can access the specific Calendar using the following command Set nsCalendar = nsMAPI.Folders("Specific Outlook…

How to fix Automation error Object is not connected to server
I have an MS Access database with a table that has an OLE Object type field. The field stores a PowerPoint slide associated with the rest of the data in the record. I have a form with a bound object frame for the OLE Object field. There is a Button on…
How to program with Edge navigateur object?
How can we use the Edge Navigator control to send a message to copilote and save the information?

how to fix "Failed to load version = file or assembly..."
I tried to recreate projects, installed the access engine, added through nuGet, installed various database extensions, watched a lot on the Internet, nothing helped. I need to add an access database. What should I do?
Microsoft Access - Sytax Error in JOIN operation
I am struggling with an access database. I cannot figure this out. I keep getting a "Syntax error in JOIN operation" error. Can someone please help me? Below is the SQL data. SELECT Courses.course_name ,Venues.venue_name …

How to set up client permissions on secure shared database
Hi. I am building a database for a person who audits hospitals and so the database is shared, between her and another lady, on a very secure site. The problem we are having is when I program it to do something, like show P1 from a checkbox to say P1 or…

CodeContextObject / Converted Macro
I receive the following error: Run-Time error 2467 The Expression you entered refers to an object that is closed or doesn’t exist. And the following line is highlighted in my code: Set objCurrent = CodeContextObject Can anyone assist with me with…
Is it possible to connect a Google Forms to a linked Microsoft Access table using VBA code?
Is it possible to connect a Google Forms Survey (URL website) directly to a linked table in a Microsoft Access database and pull the respondents' responses directly into a linked MS table using VBA code? Currently, when respondents submit their responses…
my script is not visible anymore in VBA Access
I do not have access to my own script anymore which I have made for various Access programs. I have carried out a complete virusscan but nothing detected. When I copy my DB file to another computor I can see my code again. How can I solve this problem
Why doesn't Access quiery work for the year 2021?
I have an access query that I need to pull all the records for a certain month and year. It works fine for all years that are on the list of records except it will not query for the year 2021. Why?
I need help understanding what this sql query is doing
I am trying to help fix this database but I do not understand what this SQL query is doing. It should be updating the field "Supplier Part Number" in the table "tblSpend" but it isnt doing that. SQL: UPDATE tblSpend SET [Supplier…

Hello Everyone, I am unable to figure out the difference between ComboBox LimitToList property and ShowOnlyRowSourceValues property in Microsoft Access.
I mean, Is it not true that only what's in the Row Source can be seen in the List? How can you make display something that's not in the Row Source? Thanks for your assistance in advance!

How to create an access database with photos across multiple years?
I am very new to access and have tried to learn the basics of creating tables, forms, reports etc. I need to create a database with photos. My table contains coordinate points and other info about each point. I have data spanning across years, each…

How to see more columns in the diplay of a combobox
in an acces form I have a combobox with 5 columns of which one is the bound colomn. In the pulldown menu I see these 5 columns. if I click I only see one column item in the display. How can I see more columns? Maybe the textcolumn property should be…
Bonjour, j'ai une liste SHAREPOINT que j'alimente/consulte, etc... sans problème depuis Microsoft ACCESS 2019. Mon problème est le suivant: Quand je lance une requête de MISE A JOUR pour mettre à jour ma liste SHAREPOINT ou une requête de SUPPRESION pour…
Hello, I have a SHAREPOINT LIST that I feed/consult, etc... without problem since Microsoft ACCESS 2019. My problem is the following: When I launch from ACCESS an UPDATE query to update my SHAREPOINT list or a DELETE query to empty my SHAREPOINT LIST,…
Can't update table that use large number data type in VBA
I have enabled large number data type in access , So I can store number that larger than long type. This is my test code. Private Sub test() Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim size As LongLong rs.Open "Select * From LocalFiles ", _ …
My microsoft365 develop account is can’t sigin
My microsoft365 develop account is can’t sign in ,because the device system used for 2FA verification is damaged, and I had no choice but to reinstall the system. My 2FA verifier is also lost, so I hope you can help me set up a new 2FA…