Toas notification failed to register
I made a NotificationHelper namespace NanoFlow.Helpers; public class NotificationHelper { public void LaunchToastNotification(string filename, string filepath) { ToastNotificationManagerCompat.OnActivated += toastArgs =>…
Formatting rules for an HTTP cookie to bypass PPP authentication
Dear, I would like to know more about the possibility to bypass PPP authentication with an HTTP cookie, as described in [MS-SSTP]. ClientHTTPCookie: In this string variable, the SSTP layer stores the HTTP cookie that will be passed to the HTTPS layer…
RegisterPointerInputTarget(hwnd,PT_TOUCH) returns ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
RegisterPointerInputTarget(hwnd,PT_TOUCH) returns ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED,Here is my C++ code: int APIENTRY wWinMain(In HINSTANCE hInstance, In_opt HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, In LPWSTR lpCmdLine, …
If a child control covers the parent window's client area completely, why they both receive the WM_PAINT message?
Today I found that If a child window covers its parent window completely, then swipe (slide) the main window to the one side of the screen (cut by the edge of the screen), then swipe back, they both receive a WM_PAINT message. Since the child window…

Documentation for Earliest Versions of Direct3D
I am wondering if the original documentation for the earliest versions of Direct3D are available anywhere on the Internet? I already have the link which provides documentation as…
content dialog with points
This is what is happening I have an application, where you can draw on a line on a Canvas, and convert those lines in STL, and then save it on your computer private const string NanoFlowFolder = "NanoFlow"; private const int…
How to improve image quality when painting images with Gdiplus::TextureBrush
I am currently having a problem with broken image drawing when I use Gdiplus::TextureBrush. I know that when drawing images with Graphics::DrawImage, the image still maintains the image quality. But I need to draw images with Gdiplus::TextureBrush…
Does UI Automation handle the Narrator "dismiss" gesture?
I'm creating a UIA provider in C++ for Narrator and would like to support any dismiss actions (if they exist). In the Narrator guide it says "Triple-tap with two fingers - Dismiss context menus (imitating the Escape key)". Does this mean the…

Where is windows.h in windows SDK
"Include" folder of Windows SDK( does not contain "windows.h" header. Where it is?
Where has windows::Win32::Foundation::BOOL been moved to? version: 0.60.0 error[E0432]: unresolved import `windows::Win32::Foundation::BOOL` --> src\window\ | 32 | Foundation::{BOOL, HWND}, | ^^^^ no `BOOL` in…
Using Arrays with Unions or Structures Not Working
I'm trying to use arrays, with CheckFeatureSupport, rather than check each feature with separate code. I am using different types of elements, so I have to use either union or struct. The problems I am having, is the array of the struct does not point to…

createfilemapping size constraints
What is the maximum size that can be used with CreateFileMapping with INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE and SEC_RESERVE, for a virtual paged memory backed file, on windows 11 with 32 gb physical memory I can specify for example 64 gb but on windows 2016 it seems…
How to fix "HRESULT:0x80070578 Invalid window" exception when calling store service function RequestPurchaseAsync() in a Win32 app packed as MSIX package
I'm packing a Win32 app coded by C++ into a MSIX package and trying to publish at Microsoft app store. My app has in-app products to let users purchase. The app is coded in classic Win32 API in C++ and the in-app purchase module is coded by Windows…
strsafe functions performance
hi strsafe.h functions do more checks to do string operations so I think standard string functions is faster is this correct? or should I use strsafe functions? thanks
IUpdate2::CopyToCache method Windows 11
It seems that this method no longer works on Windows 11: Interface not registered Do you have an idea?
Load DLL Error: "SXS: BasepCreateActCtx() Calling csrss server failed. Status = 0xc000004b"
My program (NSIS Installer) crashed due to shell32.dll delay loading dui70.dll failed. After confirming, the dui70.dll file was not missing and I found the error message: SXS: BasepCreateActCtx() Calling csrss server failed. Status = 0xc000004b. More…

Why does IPsecSaContextSetSpi0 from the WFP API seem to only accept even SPI values?
When creating an IPsec SA using the WFP API, IpsecSaContextSetSpi0() doesn't seem to accept an odd SPI value. Why is this the case? RFC 4303 Section 2.1 and RFC 4302 Section 2.4 talk about valid SPI values for an IPsec SA. It makes no mention of odd…
How to get the path of the selected file in the current tab of Windows Explorer?
The end goal: • Open Explorer (multiple tabs) in win11. • Select a file • Press the space bar to get the selected file path in your own program

why uiautomation findFirst is slow and can i correct it?
Hello, I want to find some ui elements in windows apps but when i find it using uiautomation findAll or findFirst it slows down programs. I undertand that there are many elements in ui and it requires going throug many elements but for example in… file for Windows 11
I have been using a the file and WUA in a script for years to determine the latest non-superseded applicable UpdatesIDs so that I can download them and bring them to my offline networks. Now that we are moving to Windows 11 it seems to me…