I cannot create a new resource: Azure cache for Redis
I cannot create a new resource: Azure cache for Redis. I have this subscription: Azure for Students Starter
Cannot reboot redis cache
Hi, I am not able to reboot azure redis cache. Also, I am not able to create a support ticket. It forces me to use Q&A here. Why? Can you help me? Thanks, Kamil One or more shards of cache 'knftrading' failed with error: 'The resource…
Redis timeout error
Hello team, We have implemented Redis cache in our application. Application thrown error like as below. We have also increased Min values for IOCP and Worker as shown below screen. But still application thrown errors as above. Please suggest solution…
When will Redis 7.2 will be available on Standard tier Azure Cache clusters?
Our organization has been wanting to upgrade our Azure Cache clusters to Redis engine version 7.2 mainly to leverage new features in our background job processing system, Sidekiq. We were encouraged to see Redis 7.2 released into preview on Enterprise…

Failover for Redis Enterprise with Active-geo-Replication
using terraform I have created two redis enterprise clusters in paired regions ( West and northEurope). xx-redis-primary in WestEurope xx-redis-secondary in NorthEurope And linked them together using active geo-replication... /Groupnickame…
Redis 7.0 support in Azure
I'm running into dependencies that require ar least Redis 6.2 support since there are a bunch of missing commands in Redis 6.0.2 version, such as GEOSEARCH, GEOSEARCHSTORE, ZUNION, ZUNION, SMISMEMBER, ZMSCORE, LMOVE, XAUTOCLAIM etc. Redis 6.0.2 was…
Redis 7.0 support roadmap
Redis 7.0 was released in April 2022. When can we expect Azure Cache for Redis to provide support for this version? I'm running into dependencies that require at least Redis 6.2 support and can't use them with this service.
Azure managed redis cache error out of memory but pleanty avalible
Hi I am using Azure managed redis cache and keep getting this error OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory I have a 500 MB cache and currently only use around 70mb. When I try and insert and data I get an error indicating out of memory.…
How should I set maxmemory-reserved and maxfragmentmemory-reserved in the Redis Cache?
Hi. I'm dealing with a web app that is having issues with it's Redis Cache, so my company's IT team is wanting me to inquire as to whether increasing the maxmemory-reserved and the maxfragmentationmemory-reserved settings under our Redis Cache Advanced…
Azure Cache for Redis version 6.2 or 7.0
Hi. We're currently working on an IoT solution project where LoRaWAN-based devices will be used to trigger alerts, and associated on-site actions through cloud-to-device / downlink messages to relay devices. As the LoRaWAN network server (LNS) we are…
how to connect azure cache redis to azure databricks through service principal
I need to connect azure redis to databricks using service principal . but I am getting this error Failed to connect to Redis: invalid username-password pair

Can I pause an Azure Cache for Redis in my testing environment?
We have deployed the same infrastructure into two subscriptions (prod and test): An app service (NestJS API service application) An Azure Cache for Redis Security Guidelines require that we shut down all services when not needed. We're not testing…

Frequent azure redis cache timeout in azure web app
We are using azure redis cache and in web app , but we are facing frequent time out issue - Timeout performing EVAL, inst: 1, queue: 2, qu: 0, qs: 2, qc: 0, wr: 0, wq: 0, in: 0, ar: 0, clientName: LPC-2VDKZH3, serverEndpoint:…
Performance issues in Session State
Hi. We are running a .Net Framework 4.8 mvc web application with redis session state setup. We are experiencing performance issues and the profiling we have done indicates that session state, specifically GetSessionStateItemAsync, is waiting for long…
Unable to create Managed Redis instance
We followed the quickstart to create a Managed Redis instance, selecting the Managed Redis -> Balanced "Cache SKU" and then the "B0 (500 MB)" cache size. The resulting deployment gives an error: The value of the parameter…
Azure Redis Cache - Impact of high number of cache miss
Hello, Interested to know about the impact on the Redis Cache server itself when there are a huge number of Cache Misses captured/recorded. Based on my understanding, Cache Miss means my application doesn't get the data from Redis Cache, and it has to…
Azure Cache check number of replicas
Question 1: I have just subscribed a Azure Cache for Redis, and I upgraded it from standard C1 into premium P1. However, it doesn't prompt me to select the number of replicas. When I check the overview later, it shows as Zone-redundant. However its not…
Redis stack trace does not appear in Kubernetes Pod Log! Why not?
I have an ASP.NET core 3 web app I'm trying to debug in an Azure Kubernetes pod. I could look at the kubernetes pod log and see my System.Console.WriteLine statements inside of my ConfigureServices functions and everything looked great -- including my…

when attempting to connect to Azure Cache for Redis using Managed Identity (MSI) the connection fails with the error : System.Exception: Error: NOAUTH Authentication required. Verify if the Redis password provided is correct. Attempted command: ECHO.
I am encountering a specific issue when attempting to connect to Azure Cache for Redis using Managed Identity (MSI). If the Azure Cache for Redis instance is placed outside the Virtual Network (VNet), the connection works perfectly fine with MSI…
Why can my ChinaEast2 region vm access ChinaEast redis successfully?
https://docs.azure.cn/en-us/azure-cache-for-redis/cache-how-to-premium-vnet Hi team, from the documentation above, redis can only be accessed across regions if redis has the Availability zone turned on. But why can my ChinaEast2 region vm access…