Sending Custom Header from App Service A to App Service B via Proxy Pass (NGINX + PHP)
I have 2 Azure App Services. Let's say App Service A and App Service B. Both ran in NGINX and PHP Any request of /api in App Service A will be forwarded to App Service B via a proxy_pass. I want to perform a manual verification via a custom header…
Error Moving Resources Between Azure Subscriptions: ResourceMovePolicyValidationFailed
I am trying to move several resources from one Azure subscription to another within the same directory. And I'm getting an error: Resource move policy validation failed. Please see details. Diagnostic information: subscription id…
Azure Pipelines - AzureCopy and Blob storage issues
We are getting following error when trying to use Azure Copy ##[debug]Upload to container: '6f0643ee-b61c-4d4c-a483-52926f0301aa' in storage account: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx' with blob prefix: '' failed with error: 'AzCopy.exe exited with non-zero exit code…
Need some details about the Azure Custom Classifier
Hi all, So I have been using up azure custom classifier for a while now and i have few doubts regarding a bunch of things Training the model using API - Have been uploading documents using console but uploading and labelling bulk documents via console…
How to check the Default outbound access
How to check our VMs using the default outbound access which will be retired On 30 September 2025. Thanks.
Getting Unauthorized exception when using DefaultAzureCredentials in Azure.AI.Inference.dll's ChatCompeletionsClient
I am trying to run AI inference using ChatCompeletionsClient class from Azure.AI.Inference and am hitting UnAuthorized issue when trying with DefaultAzureCredentials and trying as myself. I added myself as Cognitive Service User and even Cognitive…
Expiration time for Refresh token generated using Azure DevOps Oauth2
I am trying to generate Access Token and a Refresh token with help of Microsoft Azure DevOps Oauth 2. I am successful in generating it. Either if access token is valid or expired, I am able to generate new access token and a refresh token with the…
Query string caching behavior "Use Query String" is being ignored in Azure Front Door
We have an Front Door serving our main website and CDN for that website. CDN endpoint uses main website as origin. We want to serve all javascript and css files via CDN, we put file content hash to the url parameter in order to trigger cache update after…
Setting Permissions for Permission Groups via Azure DevOps REST API
Hi, I am currently working on creating a new permission group in Azure DevOps from my application using the REST API, and I need to configure specific permissions for the group. Is there an API available that allows me to change or set permissions for…
How to recover a deleted Azure Postgresql server in Azure US Government Cloud?
We accidentally deleted an Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server that was still being used by one of our legacy services. I’ve already gone through the steps outlined in the official Microsoft documentation: "Restore a dropped Azure Database for…
##[error]TypeError: paths.flat is not a function
While the build is running, I am getting ##[error]TypeError: paths.flat is not a function error. We are using # Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip. - task: ArchiveFiles@2 task but it is breaking, and I am not sure why. Error : ##[debug]Processed:…
Why is Communication Service sms verification taking more than 5 weeks?
Greetings, We've applied for SMS verification for 2 US phone numbers approximately 5 weeks ago. We were wondering what the status/progress of this verification was, and if there was any information we could provide supplementarily to assist Microsoft…
All our dashboards have stopped working!!
Whole of a sudden all our dashboards in the Azure portal have stopped working. The data is still coming in and are present in AppInsights but the dashboards just stopped working, without us doing anything. This is terrible, what's going on (a week have…
az containerapp create parameter --registry-identity, what is it?
Hi, I am trying to create a containerapp with az cli using the following params az containerapp create --name aca-az2003 --resource-group $RG1 --environment environmentforacontpps --registry-identity $spID --registry-server --image…
O recurso não pode ser criado porque a assinatura não tem um histórico de pagamento suficiente.
Mensagem de erro: "o recurso não pode ser criado porque a assinatura não tem um histórico de pagamento suficiente" Temos uma nova política no Serviço de Aplicativo do Azure que requer um histórico de pagamento suficiente antes da compra de um…
How to create an Azure Storage SAS token to allow upload of file from browser using @azure/storage-blob
I believe that I'm very close to having the upload working as a manually generated SAS token from the portal site works in the browser to load a file. But, I need to be able to create a blob specific token for anonymous user upload to that specific name…
Australia East Web app will not load, throwing 503 and 504 errors
I have several Australia East web apps and they are all down - presumably due to 'planned maintenance' but this has now been over 10 hours and impacting availability (which I believe SLA is 99.9%?). What can we do to restore the service? The planned…
I want to retake module "Fundamental AI Concepts" but on the first unit already prompted to Complete Module, why?
As part of participant of elevAlte program between Dicoding and Microsoft in Indonesia, i need to get the badge for this module below. Even after all the complete sign, I still couldn't get it, so I thought I could just retake. But then on the first unit…

How to include Api Subscription key of Custom Question Answer in Azure Bot Service Web App
In Azure AI Bot Service, I have added Custom Question Answer Service Endpoint to the Bot Service Message Endpoint. But I am unable to find where to add subscription key to the bot. Also, Direct link to create a bot from Custom Question Answer…
Data Factory - Unable to read zip files from Amazon S3. Error: Central Directory corrupt. Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.
I am using Azure Data Factory's Copy activity to read csv containing in zip files in Amazon S3. I am experiencing problems since yesterday about reading only zip files from Amazon S3, other types of files were read all fine (or at least pure csv files).…