There is "choose your default app mode" in Win10 setting with two options, "Light" and "Dark". I know an UWP app automatically respond to the setting and change its appearance automatically. Now the Win32 common file open dialog in a simple MFC app also respond to this setting and change its appearance automatically. I can respond to this setting changing by respond to WM_SETTINGCHANGE, but how can I get the colors of this "Dark" mode in a Win32 app or a MFC app. I tried to use theme API as following, but it always return the color of "Current Theme" but not the "default app mode".
HTHEME hTheme = OpenThemeData (NULL, L"CompositedWindow::Window");
if (hTheme)
COLORREF btnFaceColor = GetThemeSysColor (hTheme, TMT_BTNFACE);
BTW, I'm not talking about high contrast Theme which can be used as current active theme, but "choose your default app mode" setting. I think they are different settings which are set separately.
I guess if I can get correct HTHEME of it, then I can get all colors in it. But how to get the correct HTHEME of the theme of this "choose your default app mode" light/dark mode?