Welcome to Microsoft Q&A! Thanks for posting the question.
There is no out of box feature that will delay your re-deliveries of the message. There can be two workarounds for this scenario
- You can submit the message again with EnqueueTimeUtc property, message property (matching the specific subscription rule), and mark the existing message as completed. If you are not specifying the message property matching the specific subscription rule then the message will be delivered to all the subscriptions under that topic causing duplicate messages in other subscriptions.
- If you are sure that for the specific use case you want to redelivery that message after 1 min then you can leverage the lock duration property at the subscription level (default 30 sec and max 5 min). When you peek-lock the message and according to use case you want to redeliver it after 1 min (setting lock duration as 1 min) then you should not call complete, deferred, or abandoned on that message. Once the lock duration expires the message will be visible again for the client to be consumed.
I hope this helps. Do let us know if you any further queries.