I believe the answer is provided in the notice for SKype EOL here.
Moving forward, we will no longer offer paid Skype features to new customers, including Skype Credit and subscriptions that allow you to make and receive international and domestic calls. Current Skype subscription users can continue to use their Skype Credits and subscriptions until the end of their next renewal period. Skype Credit users can also continue to use their remaining Skype Credit. After May 5, 2025, the Skype Dial Pad will be available to remaining paid users from the Skype web portal and within Teams.
So the credits will be avilable until the next of your renewal period. After that they are gone. Given that Teams subscriptions are already covered by your employer then it doesn't sound like you'll need those credits so they will just go to waste. I recommend that if you need help with this specific aspect then you should consider contact MS Support directly.