Hello Ahmed Sherif
Following up to see if the above answer was helpful. Add I am adding additional information for further investigation on your issue.
- Please ensure that your custom domain validation is properly completed and also verify if the CNAME has been added.
- Additionally, collect the HAR traces for any non-working instances and take the X-azure-reference ID from the HAR. Use this reference ID to check the logs. Refer to the document below for instructions on how to collect the logs with the reference ID. Doc: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/frontdoor/refstring?source=recommendations&tabs=edge
- Additionally, please check the access logs to determine the server status. Access the backend URL directly to verify if it is functioning properly or not.
- Please check the below public document for more understanding:
Hope the above answer helps! Please let us know do you have any further queries.
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