Figured it out: my computer name was larger than 15 characters. That is why
Unable to connect to the computer
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I am trying to create an iSCSI Target Server in Windows Server 2025 Core (no GUI) which in running as a VM on Hyper-V.
My VM has 10 disks attached which I will further want to use as target disks.
But I am stuck at this step
PS C:\Users\Administrator> New-IscsiServerTarget -TargetName "RACStorage" -InitiatorId @("IPAddress:","IPAddress:")
New-IscsiServerTarget : Unable to connect to the computer.
At line:1 char:1
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (Microsoft.Iscsi...rd errorRecord):IscsiCmdException) [New-IscsiServerTarget], IscsiCmdException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Utility\_ConnectionScopeInvalidComputerName,Microsoft.Iscsi.Target.Commands.NewIscsiServerTargetCommand
which is ran inside the VM.
How can I resolve this?
The role is installed
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-WindowsFeature fs-iscsitarget-server
Display Name Name Install State
[X] iSCSI Target Server FS-iSCSITarget-Server Installed
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Figured it out: my computer name was larger than 15 characters. That is why
Unable to connect to the computer
Hi Octavian-Codrut Popescu,
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I already answered my own question.