I am currently in charge of a project where we are using a thin clint to RDS to Windows server 2019
The stations that my users currently use are touch screens hooked to a windows 10 computer that i want to replace with these thin clints,
Right now the users click on a filed and a touch keyboard shows up for them automatically and will disappear if they click out of it.
So far with all of my testing i cant get this to work with the RDS session
I know there is Windows On-screen keyboard app, but it has many issues and is just overall a bad experience.
Then the built-in "Touch keyboard" that is on Windows 10 and 11 does not work on Windows server 2019
Here's the interesting part, Windows server 2019 has the program on it. Its called TabTip.exe but it will not open on either server or Win 11/10
My assumption is there is something either in regedit or the programming that is in 10/11 but not in server 2019 to open the "touch keyboard".
Any ideas on how I could make this work?
Thanks in advance!