Hi @Nicolas Louw ,
Thanks for your patience on this.
- Currently the latest api version for "Microsoft.ApiManagement service/properties" is 2019-01-01 as called out in the documentation
- Regarding the announcement it is suggested to update the api versions greater than '2021-08-01' and prior api versions will be retired. As I understand you are trying to create APIM, products, subscription etc., using the ARM or Bicep template currently using the latest '2024-06-01-preview' you can create the below list of resources.
- In the above list we dont see Services/properties post creating the service via template can you try updating its api version using the powershell or rest api. Also in the retriment documentation, it is mentioned that if the Minimum api version in portal is grayed out you need to update it via rest api or through cli cmdlets only.