Thank you for posting in Q&A forum.
Based on the information you provided, I suggest you try the following steps to see if the problem can be solved:
- Driver not installed or incorrectly installed: After Windows update, sometimes due to compatibility issues between the new system and the original driver, the device driver may not be installed correctly. This usually happens when the driver of the hardware device is not optimized or updated for the new Windows version.
- Check the device manager: When you encounter this problem, you can go to the "Device Manager" to check if there is a device with a yellow exclamation mark. This usually means that the driver of the device is not installed or there is an abnormality.
- Manually install the driver: You can try to download the latest driver from the official website of the device manufacturer and install it manually. Make sure to select the driver that matches your device model and Windows version.
- Use Windows Update: Another way is to use the automatic update function of Windows. Sometimes, the system will automatically detect the missing driver and install the appropriate version for it. To force a check for updates, you can go to "Settings" -> "Update & Security" -> "Windows Update" and click "Check for updates".
I hope the information above is helpful.
Best regards
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