Have you checked if your Azure subscription has sufficient quotas for the Text-to-Speech Avatar service? Because even with remaining trial credits, there might be specific service limits that could affect functionality. I think you need at least the speech resource to be set to the "Standard S0" pricing tier.
Cannot connect to text-to-speech service.
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I am following this text-to-speech guide: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/speech-service/text-to-speech-avatar/real-time-synthesis-avatar
With a valid key and the correct region, I am getting the error below. Any ideas on why this is happening?
I also check that I was fetching the the ICE server values correctly. So, I don't think that's the issue.
My trial plan still has $199 and 28 days left. I was expecting the call to start the Avatar to be successful.
"privResultId": "8B695CE6D2E646159A6E2B716745497E",
"privReason": 1,
"privErrorDetails": "Internal server error. websocket error code: 1011",
"privProperties": {
"privKeys": [
"privValues": [