Version '0.5.1b1' not found for extension 'azure-iot-ops'
I am trying to install Jumpstart Agora Contoso Motors. I have deployed the bicep files and when I opened the Client VM, the automated scripts started running. But I was facing the highlighted issue in the below image (Please ignore the errors above and below the red box - they are resolved).
In order to overcome this issue, I modified the script and changed the version to latest so that it installs the latest version of AIO. After this, there was no such issue but in the Step 14/17 of the automated scripts, I was facing the below issue.
'Waiting for AIO to be Deployed successfully on monterrey...waiting for 60 seconds'. This issue is being caused from the 'Deploy-AIO' function in the 'common.psm1' script. Within this function, there are 2 loops where max tries are equal to 5 and other loop with 25. Facing the issue within these loops and the terminal is exiting once reached max tries.