validation failing when moving azure VM form one resource group to another
error :
message": "Resource move validation failed. Please see details. Diagnostic information: timestamp '20250123T074613Z', subscription id 'xxxx', tracking id 'xyz', request correlation id 'abc'. (Code: ResourceMoveProviderValidationFailed) One of the resources being migrated or its dependency is not in Succeeded state. Please check details for information about each resource/operation. (Code: MoveCannotProceedWithResourcesNotInSucceededState, Target: Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces) Cannot proceed with operation because resource /subscriptions/xxx/resourceGroups/abc/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/xxxxx either directly involved in the move or referenced by one of the resources involved in the move is not in Succeeded state. Resource is in Failed state and the last operation that updated/is updating the resource is DeletePrivateEndpointOperation. (Code: ResourceNotProvisioned), Cannot proceed with operation because resource /subscriptions/xxx/resourceGroups/abc/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/xxxxx either directly involved in the move or referenced by one of the resources involved in the move is not in Succeeded state. Resource is in Failed state and the last operation that updated/is updating the resource is DeletePrivateEndpointOperation. (Code: ResourceNotProvisioned)",
"code": "ResourceMoveProviderValidationFailed",
"name": "ssssss",
"status": 409