Encountering anomalies when deploying azure update manager dynamic scopes across multiple subscriptions
I'm facing multiple anomolies when deploying azure update manager dynamic scopes linked to maintenance configurations across multiple subscriptions; with the below script (personal details removed) :
# Define a hashtable of subscriptions with their names as keys and IDs as values
$subscriptions = @{
"subscription A" = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"subscription B" = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
# Additional subscriptions......
# Ensures you do not inherit an AzContext in your runbook
Disable-AzContextAutosave -Scope Process
# Authenticate with the sys-mi linked to this automation account
az login --identity
az account show
# Install the maintenance azure clie extension without prompting for confirmation (now mentioned in the ADO pipeline)
az extension add --name maintenance --allow-preview true --yes
az extension show --name maintenance
az config set extension.dynamic_install_allow_preview=true
# Mapping between maintenance configurations and their dynamic scope tags
$dynamic_scope_tag_to_mc = @{
mc_ne_dev_arc = @{
mc_config_id = "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/rg-mc-ne-aum/providers/Microsoft.Maintenance/maintenanceConfigurations/mc_ne_dev_arc"
dynamic_scope_tag_value = "dev-arc"
mc_ne_stage_platform = @{
mc_config_id = "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/rg-mc-ne-aum/providers/Microsoft.Maintenance/maintenanceConfigurations/mc_ne_stage_platform"
dynamic_scope_tag_value = "stage-platform"
# Additional maintenance configurations.....
# Iterate over each maintenance configuration and its dynamic scope tag
foreach ($scope in $dynamic_scope_tag_to_mc.Keys) {
# Get the maintenance configuration details
$mc_config_id = $dynamic_scope_tag_to_mc[$scope]["mc_config_id"]
$scope_tag_value = $dynamic_scope_tag_to_mc[$scope]["dynamic_scope_tag_value"]
# Iterate over each subscriptions for this maintenance configuration
foreach ($sub in $subscriptions.Keys) {
$subscription_name = $sub
$subscription_id = $subscriptions[$sub]
Write-Output "Subscription name - $($subscription_name)"
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "Subscription - $($subscription_id)"
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "Applying dynamic scope tag '$($scope_tag_value)' to MC >>> $($mc_config_id)"
Write-Output ""
# Deploy the dynamic scope to the maintenance configuration for this subscription
az maintenance assignment create-or-update-subscription `
--maintenance-configuration-id $mc_config_id `
--name "assignment-$($scope_tag_value)" `
--filter-os-types windows linux `
--filter-resource-types "Microsoft.Compute/VirtualMachines" "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines" `
--filter-tags "{zimcanit-mc-config:[$($scope_tag_value)]}" `
--filter-tags-operator All `
--subscription $subscription_id
az logout
The script is triggered via a runbook within an automation account and does the following:
- Store a list of all subscriptions in my tenant: $subscriptions
- Define the dynamic scope tag values to assign per maintenance configuration in a nested hash table object $dynamic_scope_tag_mc
- Iteration logic:
- Iterate over every dynamic scope tag value per maintenance configuration id; whilst extracting key attributes for maintenance configuration ID and associated dynamic scope tag value.
- Iterate over every subscription ID per dynamic scope tag value and leverage az cli cmd az maintenance assignment create-or-update-subscription
to assign cross-subscription dynamic scopes
Architecture of what I want to acheive:
Anomolies faced:
- Some dynamic scope assignments align with my architectural requirements
- Some dynamic scope assignments are duplicated, but the difference is the casing for the os type filter
- Some maintenance configurations have no dynamic scopes assigned to them at all
- Is there a way I can dynamically reference my subscriptions within the PowerShell runbook without hardcoding them?
- Is there anything with the iteration logic that needs to be revised given how it currently partially works?
- I refrenced an existing stackoverflow question for inspiration when setting up the original script How to use New-AzConfigurationAssignment Powershell cmdlet for Dynamic Scope for different subscriptions -Azure update manager