VS 2012 Tabular : adventure-works-tabular-model-project-1200.zip (Model.bim) can't open in VS 2012
Hi All
I have SQL Server 2019 (1500 compatibilty level)
I installed VS community edition Version 17.12.3 (with latest SSAS extension)
I installed AdventureWorksDW2019 DB and SSAS tabular.
First of all I want to install example of SSAS project based on AdventureWorksDW to see how it works (like before in MDM).
looking at https://github.com/Microsoft/sql-server-samples/releases/tag/adventureworks-analysis-services
we have only adventure-works-tabular-model-project-1200.zip ( (1200 compatibilty level))
I downloaded and open it in VS , when open Model.bim have error :
An error occurred while opening the model on the workspace database. Reason: Input string was not in a correct format.
in SSMS I see that this cube is deployed OK :
Adventure Works Internet Sales_<user_GUID>
and I can even browse and process it OK.
But in VS it does Not open.
I tried workaround :
(I can make create , create/open tmsl scripts - then change , id , name and deplyed another AS DB
but when import from DB into VS project I have same error .... )
Also tried to do hack :
change "compatibilityLevel": 1200 to 1500 in tmsl and deploy it (but here I have error of wrong JSON format , what is clear )
1?) if any ideas how I can troubleshoot it
2?) may be there is ready example for AdventureWorksDW (1500 compatibilty level) with alll measures and KPI done.
(I looked in git hub but can't find)
3?) may be there are good Tabular (2019) examples from other (Russo , Ferrari , Webb) with MS SQL 2019
to look best practices with tabular project and some MS-SQL DB.